So, Many Health Benefits, is it Possible...!?


The search for the source of health and life strength can start only in nature. For thousands of years, people around the globe have been searching for a magical drink that will reveal the secret of constant health. Today that secret is known as PXD KOMBUCHA EXTRACT, which provides good health and life strength.


This extract is made out of the Japanese tea - Kombucha. In the old days, the kombucha was the privilege of the high royal society. The Japanese emperor gave the Chinese emperor the kombucha as a valuable gift. The gift received a lot of attention on the Chinese court because they felt the beneficial effect of the kombucha. The Chinese emperor was very generous and gave his people the gift of the kombucha.


The kombucha liquid is a symbiotic unity of different yeasts, ferments, enzymes and other microorganisms, whose relation is different depending on the way and condition that is kept in. If the kombucha is correctly grown, it produces ingredients of fermentation which are very useful and beneficial for the human system.

PXD KOMBUCHA EXTRACT is 10 times stronger then Kombucha liquid. Also many times faster works, then Kombucha liquid. In one day, one person can drink whole jar, but 10 l is impossible to be drank. PXD Kombucha Extract contains L – Lactic Acid, that is assumed as one of most successful anticancer substance. Also, the experiences of hundred thousand consumers have shown that, this product cleans blood, regenerates the liver and regenerates the tissues in the body. This product is full with B – Complex Vitamins, Magnessium, Calcium, Potassium, Iron, Nickel, Cobalt, Manganese, Copper, Zink.

The Experiences of hundred thousands people around the World, confirm that PXD Kombucha Extract regenerates and cleans the liver, lungs, kidneys and bowels, helps making new blood, regulates blood pressure and the level of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, increases elasticity of the arteries and veins ( thrombosis ), prevents muscle cramps, melts bile and kidney stones, enhances microcirculation, strong anticancerogenic substance, regulates the work of prostate, returns natural color of the hair, Rinse festering wounds, hair and feet.

Sportsmen call PXD KOMBUCHA EXTRACTenergetic bomb,because only after 15 min, of consumption, the body gets a lot of energy, for fast detoxification. PXD KOMBUCHA EXTRACT improves circulation of the blood in the muscels and by regular usage and fitness, enlarges the quality of the muscle mass, without steroids usage.

Usage: For preventive usage, two – three coffee spoons daily are enough. It is recommended that half an hour before PXD Kombucha Extract’s usage, we don’t drink any liquid and half an hour after the usage, it is highly recommended that 2 glasses of water are drank, for body detoxification. It is also recommended that when PXD Kombucha Extract is taken, to be kept When extreme diseases are in question, we take at least, 3 tea spoons up to one whole jar of PXD Kombucha Extract a day.

Diabetics should drink PXD Kombucha Extract in the following way: One coffee spoon is put in 2 dl water of cold water and is drank throughout the day. This is done, the first 3 days.

Then the next 3 days, two coffee spoons are put in 2 glasses, each 2dl. And those 2 glasses are drank throughout the day. The next 3 days 3 coffee spoons are put in 3 glasses, each 2dl. And those 3 glasses are drank throughout the day.


1.) Easy for use

2.) Have no expiry date – It has unlimited date of expiry

3.) It has valid examination of it's content and cleanness

4.) 100% Natural, no additives added, no artificial colors & any kind of chemistry added

5.) It can be used by anyone sick and healthy people as prevention, great for sportsmen, pregnant women, old and young people

6.) You can use it anywhere

7.) No contraindications

8.) In some pains result is almost instantaneous

9.) Easy portable, Easy usable

( To Be Continued )

Source: PXDS


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