
Hello Friends!

As a person that uses PXDS products, I want to share what has happened to me. I'm 41 years old and I had so many threads in my young age and had health ailments.

From where to start…? Thirteen years ago in 2003, I had an anxiety / panic disorder / familiar to a large audience. Throughout this time, I went everywhere and I tried everything psychologists, meditation, acupuncture and a bunch of other things. All these therapies have helped me in time to overcome this situation and to deal with it, but I was still having a strange feeling in my solar plexus which didn’t leave me in hard situations and in situations of small exerting.


Boldly & responsibly I declare that when I started using PXD Quantum Biotherapeut Plates, that feeling of anxiety and restlessness in the solar plexus, disappeared.

It is enough that I hug the Plate for 30 minutes, after a hard and stressful day and after that I feel completely loaded, full of energy for further actions. When I lie on the Plates, I feel that all tension from my body disappears. It seems like all tension like creeps leaves the body in the same way like when a clean and crystal water cleans all collected “dirt” throughout the day.

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Another wonderful product that helps me not to turn around in the bed, but to fall asleep immediately, it's PXD Biopyramid. In the morning, while I’m drinking my coffee, I put one glass of water on opened PXD Biopyramid & after that I drink it with delight.

From six months ago, I started having a problem with swelling of the stomach, especially in the evening, before bedtime. That feeling is very unpleasant, it feels like somebody is blowing a bag inside your body until you don’t bulge. My other problem is that I had very painful women period syndrome, accompanied by severe headaches, pain in the ovaries, vomiting, dizziness, so at least 7 days before the start of it I felt horrible. I must not forget my irregular going to toilet, that I know is one of the reasons, for different health problems and on top of that my weight problems also. I tried, so many diets, nutritive regimes, different diet supplements where the result was there and after that the return “yoyo” result also.

All those problems of swollen belly to weight without any special effort I solved, within a month and a half and You would probably wonder how?

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In a month and a half I used regularly, every day, PXD Quantum Biotherapeut Plates and I drank in the morning and evening 30 ml of PXD Kombucha Extract and I lost 8 kg and 4-5 cm in volume. Moreover this feeling is superb, I feel cheerful, energized, fresh and daily younger and with less kilograms also.

Stand responsible behind the words and the results of the products and I would help those who wish to try.

Be healthy and happy! Nothing is impossible, everything depends on us! It is enough to wish to believe in yourself first and then everything else will happen !

Your Well – Wisher
Maria K.


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