Body Dysmorphia - My Experience

So here goes...Just wanted to share something quite personal to me

For most of my life, I have hated my appearance...from a young age, I have hated the way Iook... recently I discovered it was a form of body Dysmorphia.

It is a very debilitating thing to have, especially when you're a performer like I am...It really is very limiting as I never like having photos taken or videos filmed of me. It had got to the stage where everytime I saw a picture of myself,for days and months after, I would reel over it, thinking how ugly and hideous I was and as a result became so depressed!

However there is good news.. a couple of days ago, I posted a video on STEEMIT of me performing one of my favourite songs!!! This is a real breakthrough for me as I've never in recent years let anyone film anything of me let alone post something on a public platform... but I am very proud to say I did it!!! AND although it was hard to watch, I watched it back... Something I would never have done a few years ago!

Just wanted to encourage anyone out there who may suffer with this... please remember you're not alone and there is a always a solution and a way out of feeling this way... I am on the slow road to recovery and I am taking little steps but it can be done, I am proof of that... God bless you all.

Please share your own experiences with me if you would like, would love to hear from you xx

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