Health Benefits of Amla (INDIAN GOOSEBERRY)


Hello Friends,

Today I want to share some benefits of Amla/ Indian Gooseberry. Amla or Indian Gooseberry

is a great and amazing natural fruit which is available in India in the winter season. It is

undeniably a powerhouse of nutrients. It is the important fruits of the Ayurveda as most of

the Ayurvedic preparations have amla. Amla is an excellent source of Vitamin C, it helps

boost our immunity and prevents viral and bacterial infection, including cold and cough.

Gooseberry is the most commonly utilized fruit in Indian households for its health benefits

and medicinal properties for long years.

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Amla juice can be taken as a powerful home remedy to treat cough and flu as well as mouth

ulcers. Two teaspoon of amla juice with equal portions of honey consumed everyday can help

to treating cold and cough. A couple of teaspoons of Amla Juice in water and gargle with it

twice a day to get rid of mouth ulcers.

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It has many other health benefits also it supports liver function and flushes out toxins from

the body. Amla is also rich in iron, calcium, phosphorous and hence can be taken as a

complete nutritional drink. Amla helps in clearing the system and strengthening the digestive

system. Amla juice helps in reducing cholesterol levels & regular consumption. Amla reduces

the inflammation and acidity. It also keeps the urinary system healthy and helps in flushing

out more toxins without over-stimulating the kidney.

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It cures urinary, respiratory, cerebral, gastro, cardiovascular problems. It makes stronger the

teeth and nails. Amla rejuvenates the brain and improves memory as it is rich source of

antioxidants and vitamin-c which enhances the production of norepinephrine

(neurotransmitter) thus enhances the mood and brain activity.

Live Healthy Live Happy....!!!!!


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