

What Are Guavas

Guavas are an "exotic" fruit that originated in hot climates such as Central and South America, India and ChinaHealth benefits from eating guava range from weight loss and cancer prevention to lowering blood sugar and preventing tooth decayStudies show that poultices in guava such as vitamins A , B and special C, and also potassium, folate, antioxidants and flavonoids, work together to stave off diseaseFiber is another ingredient in both the seeds and flesh of the pear, which helps keep you healthy by using constipation, hemorrhoids, gastroenteritis and several types of cancer


From the Myrtle family, guavas are common as shade trees, because they can grow to more than 30 feet high in South and Central America. In Florida, where they're more like 20 feet high, it's advised that growth be curtailed because they can be invasive.

Guava trees are grown in Malaysia, Vietnam, Hawaii, Peru, Mexico, China, India and the extreme Southern US They can have a trunk or several to create a canopy, with flowers that look like a tiny, white firework explosion, and oval or teardrop-shaped leaves.
With a different name in every port (such as "amrood" in India), the exterior of the pale green, pink or white, round or oval fruits (considered berries by botanists) depends on the variety.

Inside, they're usually one of the same colors, with small, edible brown seeds. The taste can be sweet to tart, similar to both a pear and a strawberry.

Guavas were used in desserts and smoothies, as well as sauces and savory dishes, but what's added is determined Prepared so they're both tasty and healthy, they can improve dramatic improvements in a number of diseases and disorders.


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