The Harmful Parasite Living Inside of 250 Million Americans TODAY - Part 4

Proven Ways to Kill the Parasite & Live Longer!


I exposed the silent Candida killer parasite in my last post.

We learned that doctors are already saying that it could be the biggest health hazard to hit the world since cigarettes, polio, HIV or hepatitis. I believe that it’s bigger than all 4 combined.

We learned that sugar is covertly killing us and that it is hidden in processed foods and preservatives under nefarious names.

Many studies have shown that cancer cannot survive in a non-sugar (alkaline) environment. When our body is acidic (as most people’s are) - it is a literal breeding ground for disease.

Candida is dangerous because it directly affects your digestive system - the largest internal organ in your body - the home of your immune system.

A strong immune system (gut) is essential for good health and longevity.

I will show you how to achieve it.

Our body, and in particular our gut, is in a secret/hidden war - we need to give our body all of the ammunition that we can. If we don’t - we will lose the war sooner rather than later!

There are many ways to kill Candida, improve gut flora, overall health and live longer. You don’t need to eat like a rabbit to do so.

I employ a multi-faceted approach.

Firstly, it’s good for me, and secondly, if I slip up in one area (and I do) I am more likely to be protected via my other methods.

You don’t need to follow all of my methods to live a healthier, more fulfilling life. You probably do need to follow at least one of them. I’m going to write about the most important one in this post, and cover others in my next post.

My methods are not the only ones that work - but they work for me and importantly, they complement my lifestyle.

My Diet


I don’t live on lettuce leaves, sprouts and carrots alone - but I do eat a lot of veggies. I eat a wide range of foods - some good, some not so good. I focus on getting the balance right.

The cornerstone to good health is diet - by that I mean the foods that I consume. My breakfast, lunch, snacks and dinner. I will talk about supplements (and many other things) in my next post - but for now let’s stay focused on what we traditionally call food.

My goal is to keep my body in an alkaline state.

Do you remember learning the pH scale in school?


I learned about pH (potential of hydrogen) in chemistry class. I didn’t learn about it in human biology but I should have.

I remember testing the water in our swimming pool when I was a kid.

I learned at a very young age that I needed to test the pH level of the pool once a week (and give it a clean). My goal was to keep the pH of the water at just the the right level so as to stop algae and bacteria from growing and turning it into a green swamp. If I didn’t I was not allowed to swim - so I kept it clean.

The same principle applies to your gut - the home of your immune system.

If we don’t have the right pH balance in our blood and our gut - our body can quickly be taken over by bad bacteria, like candida, and become a literal swamp - just like this swimming pool.


People with swimming pools spend a lot of time and money keeping their pools clean and healthy. Most people keep their clothes, skin, toilets, showers, kitchens and garden clean.

They can clearly see the algae, mould, dirt and weeds growing and taking over the environment right before their eyes. When they see it - they spring into action and reach out for their chemical weapon of choice and eliminate them from their sight instantly.

Why are we more concerned about the health of our toilet, pool, bathroom, kitchen, clothes, skin and garden than we are about our own body?

We have been conditioned to kill bacteria, weeds, mould, mildew, dirt, bugs, rodents and other creepy-crawlies on sight.

We have been exposed to decades of advertising and ‘public health warnings’ - obeying our orders we have armed our households with a literal cache of chemical weapons and trained our loved ones to use them when the enemy appears.

We’ve been conditioned to spend more time keeping up appearances and keeping the exterior clean - when we should have devoted much more of our time educating ourselves about what is going on inside of our bodies and keeping it in tip-top shape.

Out of sight, out of mind - ever heard that one?


That saying should be flipped on its head - we should be saying - out of sight, front of mind!

We should be more worried about the things that don’t see than things that we see. This principle can be applied to so many other areas - I’ll save that for another day.

Let’s get into a little more detail.

At the most basic level there are only three possible pH scores.

  1. Acid - 0.1 to 6.9
  2. Neutral - 7
  3. Alkaline - 7.1 to 14

Interestingly, the ideal pH of my pool, my eyes and my body are identical - 7.3 (give or take a decimal point to two).

On a more granular level we have foods that are:

  • Highly Alkaline

  • Moderately Alkaline

  • Mildy Alkaline

  • Highly Acid

  • Moderately Acid

  • Mildy Acid

We only need to be slightly alkaline (7.3) - it is not difficult to achieve this.

You simply need to consume 70-80% alkaline foods and try to limit/balance acidic foods.

Follow it up by guzzling down 3-4 litres (105-140 ounces) of alkaline water per day and your body will soon be alkaline and loving you.

Alkaline Water


Did you read the list of benefits in the above image?

I have a homemade remedy for making my own alkaline water.


  • 1 pitcher (64 ounces - 1.9 litres) of filtered or spring (good quality) water
  • 1 organic lemon – washed and cut into eighths
  • 1.5 teaspoons of Himalayan Salt


  • Fill the pitcher with water
  • Add the lemon – DO NOT squeeze it! Just put it in the water
  • Add the Himalayan Salt
  • Cover the pitcher
  • Leave it on the kitchen bench - you can put it in the fridge but room (and warm) temperature water is much better for you
  • Go to bed - let it sit overnight - this is important - the lemons need to breakdown
  • Wake up - give it a good stir and drink a few glasses first thing in the morning and get your day off to a great start
  • Keep drinking it throughout the day

I usually make two pitchers, per adult each night before I go to bed - kids need less.

When I want a cup of tea (which is acid) - I pour some of the alkaline water into a saucepan, boil it on the stove and pour it into the cup with organic tea.

Once you’ve made it a few times it becomes a habit and it only takes a few minutes to make. You don’t need to buy expensive alkaline water - just make it yourself like I do.

If you want a quicker fix you can use pH drops or baking soda.


I grind Himalayan salt on to almost every food and liquid that I consume.

It makes the task of maintaining an alkaline pH so much easier.

Himalayan salt is highly alkaline, as it spinach, cucumber, kale, parsley, broccoli, sprouted greens, green drinks, grasses and kelp.

I still eat acidic foods - it’s all about balance and making your diet fit your lifestyle - specifically, it is very much about pH balance - get this right and you are well on your way to much better health and no candida (the silent killer).

An alkaline diet is centred around microbiology, plant based nutrition, sports science and longevity studies. It is a diet that is abundant in nutritionally dense foods that contain alkaline salts, green foods, whole grains, clean proteins and omega oils.

Bonus Tips

  • Ditch rice and replace it with finely chopped cauliflower or quinoa
  • Drink green alkaline smoothies
  • Eat organic
  • If you eat beef buy grass-finished (not grass-fed). There is a difference in Australia and I suspect elsewhere (do your local research)
  • If you eat fish buy it fresh and make sure it is not farmed - fresh from the ocean is best

I am going to share more tips with you in a future post - if you want me to?

I would also like to tell you about the importance of eating organic foods and the critical nutrients that are not found in organic foods and how to rectify it.

I would like to tell you what I know about BPA, probiotics, kombucha, kefir, detoxing, supplements (I take some unusual ones) and fasting.

I could write for days about the benefits of an alkaline diet but it is quicker if I point you to a website that I have used for many years (see link below).

Closing Thoughts


Your toilet is much cleaner than your gut.

Care for your gut and spend less time worrying about your toilet

Many studies have shown that it far less likely that cancer will grow in an alkaline environment

The on-set of many of other diseases and health issues can be eliminated - or at the very least delayed when your body is an alkaline state.

Candida, (a naturally occurring parasite - just like cancer cells) are kept under lock and key by an alkaline diet.

I believe that an alkaline diet is central to a healthy body.

I don’t beat myself up when I eat the occasional hamburger. I enjoy it. I know that my immune system is strong enough to kill the toxins that I am sending down the hatch and exposed to in my surrounding environment.

You can test your pH levels at home with a saliva or urine pH kit. You can buy them from your local drug store (pharmacy) or online. They are not 100% accurate accurate but they are pretty close. I recommend that you start off by using one of them and after a few months - get a blood test and request your pH results.

After seeing the results over a period of time I learned to understand my body and how changes in my diet affect it. I still do a home test 3-4 times a year. If I ever need a blood test for any reason whatsoever I always ask them to check my blood pH.

Here is the link to a pH food chart at Energise For Life. You can see where foods sit on the pH scale. This is a summarized version. I have a detailed chart on my fridge that I received when I bought some recipe books from Callum & Ross - the recipes are excellent. Very tasty, alkaline rich meals that all of the family will enjoy.

I hope that this post was a blessing to you and that you will live a very long, fulfilling and healthy life.

If you seek truth - please consider following me and help me to spread this important message.

Please consider supporting my channel and resteeming this post.

Please share what you do to keep yourself healthy in the comments below and let’s learn together.

Till next time…

Love, Peace & Truth

Related Posts:

The Harmful Parasite that is Living Inside of 250 Million Americans - Part 1

The Harmful Parasite that is Living Inside of 250 Million Americans - Part 2

The Harmful Parasite Living Inside of 250 Million Americans TODAY - Part 3

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