
Those are both my feet. Today.
I'll spare you the pic, but exactly a week ago that right one looked rather different.

Already about 8 days before that, my big toe of that right foot had a more blue/purple colour.
It started after having worked at the top floor of a nine store building.
There was this construction elevator.
But as you can guess, there was a malfunction and it was totally out of order.
Which the provider of that elevator wasn't able to repair, untill late in that afternoon.

Me and a co-worker had to bring all our tools and needed materials up by the stairwell.
Forgotten tool(s), coffee, talks to coordinating operators etc., every time those damn stairs.
When we finished at 4 o'clock, just when we had all our stuff back in the cars, (and you can guess this one too) the elevator was running again.

Anyway, exhausted but job finished.
So quickly home, on the couch with a nice cold beer and my feet up.
Not even (although that right foot was quite aching) having taken my shoes off yet.

That night I woke up several times with an aching "pins and needles" sensation in that right toe.
Standing up and walking through the house a bit, made it go away every time.
Next day working I took it easy to give the foot a break a bit.
It didn't help that much because the night that followed the "pins and needles" got back.

The third night I slept the whole night, no pain whatsoever.
'It must have been just excessive strain' I said to myself.
But the next day a new "surprise" appeared.

Walking for about some 50 meters gave a feeling as if my right lower leg was exploding.
Resting a minute and shaking the leg made it go away a bit.
This kept going on for the next two days, where I got to the point that I needed to see a doctor.
There was definitely something wrong.

I called my doctor and explained my "inconveniences".
Actually she had no time but made some time for me later that day.
Having seen the foot, everything went in 6th gear from that moment on.

I got hospitalized, they made a CT scan, bloodsamples, etc.
In short, their whole "product mix", in these kind of situations.

There appeared to be two (acute) occlusions of the artery in my right upper-leg.
One just under the groin and the other one in the knee.
Nowhere else in my body, only in my right upper-leg.

To make a long story short ...
Last Wednesday morning at 8 o'clock they started with the surgery/treatment.
First they inserted a thin line and then float a catheter up to the first occlusion.
Then injected a liquid that dissolves the blood clot stuck in that occlusion.
This injecting has to go drop by drop.
Still, already after a couple of minutes I felt the liquid doing its work.
A tingling feeling in my foot.
'That's good', the surgeon said.
And ... 'we'll put you on Intensive Care and I see you back at 11 o'clock to see the progress'

Hahaha, started at 8 o'clock and back in my room 08.52, like that style!

My foot coming "back to life"

My foot at the end of the day

My "tools"

My boring "TV", only one channel

'I'm still there Suckkkkkerz'

So they checked the progress at 11am, and 4pm.
And the next morning at 8 and 11am (when the liquid was finished) again.
Totally clean!

Every wire needle etc. in and attached to my body was taken out/off.
I had to stay an extra night for possible bleedings. No problem.
Fridaymorning at 10.30 I walked out the hospital.

With me: some "rules" of things not to do the next 4 days.
One rule was: no sexual activities.
(What a fools, it was only my leg that wasn't getting blood enough, hahaha).

Besides that it is strongly discouraged to start working within 2 weeks.
Will take it easy for now but we'll see about that.

The hardest part of it all?
Having to stay 30 hours flat, on my back. It was killing me!



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