Benefits Bamboo Plants

This plant is planted with bamboo plants. This plant multiplies with shoots. Bamboo trees are plants that are strong and easy to grow. Bamboo is also often found in home gardens. And apparently this bamboo plant has many benefits, what are the benefits?


  1. As animal food
  2. As a tool for cooking
  3. As a material for home furniture
  4. Can be used as a musical instrument
  5. Can be used as craft and decoration materials
  6. As a cooking tool

Parts of bamboo plants also have benefits, including roots, stems, leaves.

The root has benefits as an erosion barrier to prevent the danger of being flooded to handle toxic waste.

bamboo sticks have the benefit of building a house, from roofs, walls, sweeping plates to traditional musical instruments.

Bamboo leaves have benefits that can be used as food wrappers, can be used as folk remedies for children.


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