The foods that will increase your skin's brightness.

Health Desk:
Many of us use a lot to increase the skin's brightness. Many types of cream, face, facial etc are used. But as much as you do not use it on the skin it may bring brightness for a little while then you get annoyed when you stop stopping all the forms of the skin then the skin will be the same as before. Therefore, to keep body and skin beautiful and good we must change our lifestyle and diet. Instead of using various chemicals on the skin, instead of eating some healthy foods, both body and skin will be good. So know about some familiar foods that help to increase the skin's brightness.

Carrots: Carrots contain plenty of vitamins-C and carotene and carrots are the best vegetables in vegetables, which have a lot of health benefits and it is very good for our skin and hair. To increase the brightness of the skin, put carrots or carrots juice in the food list. Papaya: Who does not love to eat delicious sweet fruit papaya. Papaya has vitamin C, A, E and antioxidant that helps keep our skin clean and protects the skin from bron and blamesis. You can eat papaya or paste it on the skin.

Or paste it on the skin. Tomato: This red-colored fresh juice contains lycophane. Tomato is very good for skin, Tomato reduces body weight and helps prevent cancer. Green Leaf Vegetables: Green vegetables contain plenty of vitamins, which are not only good for the skin but also for the whole body. So keep the daily diet in the list of vegetables.
Strawberries contain vitamin C that protects the skin and increases brightness. Green Tea Green Tea is a herbal beverage that is very good for the skin. It removes the scars of the skin, keeps the skin soft, increases the brightness of the skin, removes dark skin stains and removes blamesis. Broccoli: Broccoli Antioxidant and Vitamin A and C helps in increasing the skin's brightness. Fish: The important substance of fish is very good for omega-3 fatty acids and various vitamins. So fish should eat more than the skin to get bright skin.

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