Sexual Performance Anxiety...

"Timing can be everything in the bedroom".


If you are finishing sooner than sex may not be satisfying for either you and your partner.It can be frustrating and even embarrassing.If your partner is not understanding enough it can harm your relationship too.

Premature Ejaculation is the most common sexual dysfunction in men, caused due to stress or anxiety and in some cases because of infection and inflammation of prostate gland.


  1. Excitement
  2. Plateau
  3. Orgasm
  4. Relaxation

The main difference between men suffering from PE and those who are not is the ability to extend or even maintain the Plateau stage.

But don't worry you don't have to live with it.There are things you can do to last longer with a plateau.


This is a simple yet very effective technique and can be done with or without the partner.
The technique involves stimulating the penis and stopping just before you feel you are about to ejaculate.Repeat this process 4-5 times stopping and "restarting" Everytime you feel you are about to have the orgasm.Finally, let the ejaculation occur.This will help you gaining control of your body and knowing the point of " No- Return".Couples find it boring but try to focus on other areas of pleasure instead of the penis.


Using thicker condoms will reduse sensitivity and in return will help to stay longer with Plateau stage.


Few reserches shows that masturbating 30-40 mins.before intercourse helps reducing anxiety thus helps in premature ejaculation.

Here are few herbs to tone your sex organ and to build up your stemina:


Indian Name: Hing


About 6 centigram of asafoetida should be fried in pure ghee and mixed with honey and teaspoon of the fresh latex of the banyan tree.This mixture should be taken once daily for 40 days on empty stomach.


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Ginger juice is aphrodisiac. For better results, half a teaspoon of ginger juice honey with half boiled egg is taken at night for a month.It tones up the sex organ and cures premature ejaculation, partial impotency and involuntary seminal discharge.



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Eating 6 peppers with 4 almonds(soaked in water for 4-5 hours) once daily with cow milk acts as a nerve toinc.This toinc has a remarkable effect in checking premature ejaculation and it helps in partial impotency also.

All these remedies are not only for those who are suffering from PE.Others can also try to perform even better in your bedroom.Enjoy your sex life and make your partner enjoy it too.

Always remember :
"Sexual feelings are not in your body it's in your mind".

Stay healthy ,Stay natural.

"Besides being an Art Historian writer is an expert in Alternative Systems Of Medicine".


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