Medicinal Plant - Parsley, Why need to plant it.


One of the tastiest herb and spice you can find. Its leaves are used in garnishing.
It is consumed in many different ways, including garnishing, salads, stocks, and sandwiches. Both the leaf and the root are used

Parsley is full of antioxidants, folic acid, and volatile oils. It is usually recommended for indigestion, respiratory problems and urinary tract infections
Parsley, a predominantly tropical plant, needs moisture and ample sunlight to grow.

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Health Benefits of Parsley

  • Diuretic Effects
  • Strengthens the Immune System
  • Controls Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Anti-carcinogenic Properties
  • Treats Osteoporosis
  • Anti-inflammatory Properties
  • Controls Diabetes

Risk of Parsley

Risky for Pregnant Women This can be very risky at any stage of pregnancy, the consumption of large quantities of parsley may induce uterine contractions during pregnancy. Avoid too much consumption during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Parsley has a high quantity of oxalates, which is not good for people who suffer from kidney stones.


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