Circumcision - advantages and disadvantages

Are you argee or not in babies circumcision? It's been a debate until now! Know the advantages and disadvantages.

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What is circumcision?

It is a surgical operation, in which the foreskin or skin covering the tip of the penis is cut in order to expose the glans. It is usually performed in babies.
Circumcision in children is a decision that parents must make at the time of their birth, performed usually when the baby is 2 days old or 8 days in the case of Jews and Muslims.
In case you are thinking about circumcising your child, It is important that you know that, although it is a controversial operation because it is not essential, it is also simple and is done in a short time. It lasts from 10 to 20 minutes or one hour in some cases.

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It all begins with the final decision, along with the partner's, to perform circumcision on the child. Once convinced of this, you will have to sign a form in which their consent is expressed with the procedure, showing that they are aware of the procedure and the risks.
The surgery, is performed by an obstetrician or could be a pediatric surgeons.
Once in place of the operation, a pain control, General anesthesia is usually used in babies; if not maybe a suppository ( paracetamol ) is used so that the baby does not notice any discomfort of the surgery. in just a matter of minutes, the operation is done, the baby's foreskin is cut without complications.

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After the surgery is finished, the baby's penis was applied by petroleum jelly and covered with gauze to avoid discomfort and friction with the diaper. The good thing is no need for hospitalization, the operation is so simple that the baby is discharged the same day of surgery. And because the operation does not require stitches, the wound heals alone after a week

What are the advantages and disadvantages of this practice?

Benefits of children's circumcision

  • If the child is circumcised, the chances of having urinary diseases will be lower.

  • A circumcised penis is much easier to keep clean and much posible to have no infections.

  • Can have a lower chance of suffering from cancer of the penis, usually 1 in 10,000 men has it.

  • Decreases the chance of having other sexually transmitted desease like HIV, syphilis and gonorrhea with an infected female partner.

Disadvantages of circumcision in children

  • If a sterilization is not performed properly, he wound could become infected.

  • Within the next 6 hours or 8 hours, the baby may have trouble urinating.

  • There are cases in which babies can have fever.

  • Problems related to hemorrhages, it is a loss of sensitivity in the glans, which may affects sexual relations in the future.

Circumcision for the child has medical benefits and advantages, as well as disadvantages and risks. Parents must take time to familiarize with it. It is important that both options are given to parents or guardians so they can seriously decide what is best for their child.

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