The mystery of Luna's eyes: Seeking positivity in a confusing situation

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A few days ago a doctor said some words which seem to have made it more difficult to find the positive feeling we had before. Sometimes it is better to know nothing at all than all the potential 'bad' things it could be!

Late last year we discovered one of Luna's pupils is always more dilated than the other.

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Upon reviewing the family photos we concluded she was born this way.

However, in recent months we have noticed how the affected eye no longer moves in sync with the other one and when she looks right there is a visible difference between the two eyes, noticeable in the white part.


Looking through the family photos I wasn't able to find a shot where she is looking right. I did however find a video and the conclusion on this occasion is that she didn't have this issue when she was younger because we can clearly see the whites of her eyes equally sized when she is looking right.

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This new information led us back to the eye clinic this week where we saw three doctors, one of whom saw something which concerned him.

He said that the affected eye appears to be bulging out slightly further than the other, implying that there is something pressing on it from behind.


Personally I find this very hard to see and if I see anything at all it because they have said it and I certainly wouldn't have noticed it if I wasn't looking for it.

Then the doctor gave us a not so fun list of all the potentially life threatening things it could be and an appointment for a scan to take a closer look what's going on inside.

My feeling with this from the beginning is that no doctor will be able to tell us the answer.

Though they may perhaps fill us with fear!

We always planned to do a scan when she was old enough, just to be sure, so the only thing which has changed is the new feeling, brought on by the list of potential bad things.

I understand it is their duty to give us such lists but frankly we could have done without it.

These kids are in perfect health & if we must have a scan to prove it, then let's just get it done and move on.

Love & Light πŸ™πŸ»


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He was a London based filmmaker until he sold everything and set out on a barefoot journey around the world, currently based in the south of France.

He is travelling with his partner & two children and with no bank account he has been living on STEEM & crypto for over a year.

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