Why I stopped chasing supplements and modalities, and started listening to my body

I was chasing ailments and symptoms for 5 years… and as it turns out, it only took 24 hours for me to experience relief for one of my “ailments” that I’ve had for nearly a year.


It’s amazing what happened when I stopped fragmenting my body, dividing it up into symptoms, diagnoses, and addressing only one piece at a time.

I was constantly told to “try this” and “try that,” with everyone touting their supplement or modality as the “cure.” I chased this kind of stuff for years and it was highly disappointing.

I have gotten my hopes up and then had my heart broken many times over (not to mention, spent thousands of dollars in the process). My relationship to my health was a constant roller-coaster. And at the end of the day, none of the things I tried were that different from the others. A certain supplement, a certain modality… either way, I was zooming in on only one piece and missing the bigger picture.

I know I’m not the only one who has felt this way - traveling down the endless rabbit hole of a diagnosis, an ailment, or even a modality only to be disappointed yet again.

Would love to hear from you in the comments if you relate!
It’s important that we bring awareness to the health of our body as a WHOLE system!

Samantha Lynn

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