Human Health and The Effects of Pesticides


a substance used for destroying insects or other organisms harmful to cultivated plants or to animals.

Amazingly a lot of people don't seem to realize that every pesticide is deadly by definition, if it doesn't kill things it's not a pesticide. Giving you the down-low on pesticides. Every pesticide as I said kills something otherwise by definition it wouldn't be a pesticide, you might be wondering how do they kill things. Well every pesticide is a chemical that interferes with normal metabolism of an insect, the case of weed killers, a plant and it does to such a degree that it is fatal to the organism.

So pesticides kill things and they do so by interfering with normal chemical processes that keep organisms alive. Now here's the problem with pesticides they don't exhibit their properties solely to insects or weeds, they are not selective. The chemicals obviously are not conscious they can't decide to turn themselves on when they're contaminating an insect to kill the insect and then turn themselves off when a human being comes into contact with the molecule, in other words the pesticide molecule functions as the pesticide no matter what it comes into contact with.

A grasshopper a meal-worm or a dog a child a senior citizen a mother in every case the pesticide is doing something that interferes with normal healthy metabolism and in the case of insects or plants that interference is fatal killing the organism. So it's always shocking to me, well maybe a little bit hilarious when the pesticide pushers pushs Monsanto, Dow DuPont, Syngenta or other companies Bayer for example when these companies claim all their pesticides are really really effective at killing things.

This is what they say to farmers but then when they're talking to the government or the the media they say, oh no these pesticides are really really safe they don't kill anything at all. Now how can this be how can a pesticide chemical be incredibly toxic and fatal to certain life-forms that are eating crops but then they claim they're totally harmless and have no effect whatsoever on other life forms. Well you might say well one answer might be that insects have have a different bio mechanical or biochemical pathway system and that's true to some extent.

Obviously insects have a different nervous system than mammals and humans and other animals so there are some differences. However we have so much in common with animal biology that we even have a lot in common with bacteria in terms of cellular metabolism and and actually some Darwinist some evolutionists believe that humans are descendants of bacteria. That I don't know if I believe, but that's what they believe so they're saying that effectively we all have the same or very similar biochemical pathways.

The point is we do know there are some differences obviously between the way insects process chemicals, the way they digest chemicals the way they absorb chemicals and so on. Versus the way humans detoxify chemicals, humans have a liver right the liver does a lot of detoxification, humans have different biochemical pathways but they're not so much different they're not different enough to protect us from all the negative effects of pesticides and herbicides and fungicides and other chemicals. So the sad but inconvenient truth in all of this is that any chemical that's toxic well almost any chemical, I should say is toxic to insects and crop pests is going to have some level of toxicity on humans as well even though it might be a reduced toxicity it's still there. So every pesticide is toxic at some level - to humans if you get it in high enough concentration.

Now a lot of people think that you can just wash off the pesticides, that's like thinking you can take a rapist and wash off the rape, you can't wash off the rape and you can't wash off the pesticides for the simple reason. The fruit it self is part of the system, the pesticides have been sprayed throughout the growth cycle of the plant and the pesticide chemicals have become incorporated into the other tissues stems the leaves. The meat of the apple even the seeds in the core of the Apple not just the outer peeling and I find this so strange. I found that a lot of people in China and Taiwan they will peel everything they'll peel grapes before they eat the grapes they'll peel apples before they eat the apples the peeled pears and so on, I asked them why are you peeling all this fruit, what's the deal and they say well the peel is not clean so literally this is a custom in Asian cultures.

If you know anybody who's Asian just ask them this, they peel their grapes, this is Chinese culture. Turns out by doing this they are eliminating the healthiest part of the fruit because the apple peel and the grape peel is the healthiest part of the fruit and they're not avoiding the pesticides because the pesticides are located throughout the fruit so they're actually doing themselves a great disservice. But a lot of people suffer from that kind of delusional thinking, where they think they can wash off pesticides. You can't wash them off they're built into every part every gram every milligram of the plant contains the pesticide.

So what's the answer to all this, well organic agriculture of course don't use pesticides or at least synthetic ones. There are some natural ones that are less toxic because they're more bio-compatible with human beings but they also tend to be less toxic to the pests or so, it's more trouble but you don't give yourself cancer in the process of eating the food or Alzheimer's or dementia or liver disease or kidney disorders or all kinds of other problems that stem from pesticide consumption. So of course they try to influence regulators, they try to push their fake science they bribe journalists they do whatever is necessary to push their version, their narrative which claims that all these poisons that they say are so effective at killing pests are totally harmless for Humanity.

Of course that's just bunk science but you maybe already knew that if you're reading this but hopefully now you have a little bit better understanding of how all of this works. Just remember if it's a pesticide by definition it kills things and it's very good at killing things and oh yeah it is true that many of these chemicals are derivatives of the original chemicals developed under Nazi Germany the Third Reich, yes IG Farben the parent company of Bayer is that they were the creators of many of the original petrochemical based pesticides chemicals that they were turning into weapons of mass destruction.

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