Boston Herald Newspaper ~ Is shouting “Hang The Anti-Vaxxers”


The Boston Herald is now openly publicly calling for the government to execute all vaccine skeptics including scientists, nature paths, journalists, and holistic health practitioners who don't think that children should be injected with mercury. this is not an April Fool's joke this is a factual report , yes I am one of the people who is threatened by the Boston Herald. they have now put out a call for the mass executions of individuals according to the boss Boston Herald we should all be rounded up and executed by the government. this is in a an editorial by the Boston Herald which said that because a virus has caused a tiny outbreak of non-fatal measles in Minnesota, therefore the government should execute all people who don't like mercury in vaccines, or who think vaccines are not safe. now this happens at the same time that the federal government has just released a document a spreadsheet really showing its payouts for vaccine injuries of children who have been maimed injured or killed by vaccines in the United States, and so far in fiscal year 2017 according to the federal government they have paid out a hundred and fifty nine million dollars to families of vaccine injured children.

Again this is happening at the same time that the Boston Herald says that no children are damaged by vaccines and the same time that The Washington Post says that the viral outbreak in Minnesota is caused by anti vaccine people, not a virus which is of course the most absurd quack science nonsense you can imagine. what's interesting though is that the payout one hundred fifty nine million dollars in payouts that's only so far in fiscal year 2017 it's going to get to be something more like two hundred fifty to three hundred million dollars by the end of the fiscal year affecting probably about twelve hundred children in the United States who have been deemed appropriate for these payouts. there are another at least twenty five hundred children who will be denied payouts by this kangaroo vaccine Court it's called the vaccine injury compensation program it's run by the government in the vaccine industry to try to hide vaccine injuries from the public. we also know that only about one in a hundred children who is damaged by vaccines, that's a conservative estimate ends up making a claim in this system because you have to hire an attorney and then you have to wait two to ten years to get a decision from the vaccine court, most parents whose children are made autistic or whose children suffer seizures or are paralyzed or put into comas or killed by vaccines, most decide not to pursue the vaccine court, they decided that it's not worth it. only an estimated, one and a hundred families will go through that.

So the real number of children in America who are being injured maimed or killed by vaccines each year is absolutely over 120000 children each year, 120000 children a year and yet the Boston Herald says that the government should round up and murder anyone who dares cite these statistics or anyone who dares say that vaccines are not safe, or anyone who says that mercury is toxic to developing children. so the Boston Herald which is of course a lunatic liberal left-leaning publisher has gone insane, as has most of the left the Boston Herald mirrors the the rantings of the UC Berkeley student paper which called for the executions of Ann Coulter, and Milo Yianopolous because they didn't like the speech that Milo was going to give at Berkeley. before he was practically mobbed and chased out of there they were trying to kill him, this is the new philosophy of the insane deranged lunatic left they believe as is now evidence yet again in the Boston Herald, they believe that they have the right to have you murdered if you disagree with them and it's interesting that the Boston Herald writers did not say that they themselves wanted to murder me or murder other scientists or other journalists, they want the government to do it for them and that's very much in line with the way left-wing fascists always operate. they want the government to do the killing for them because they don't want to get their hands dirty and they don't know how to use guns, well guess what Boston Herald morons I do know how to use a gun, I'm license as a concealed carry holder I passed all FBI background checks and I'm tactically trained in handgun combat including shotguns and battle rifles and long-range sniper shooting.

So if you want to bring your threats to Texas and bring your noose if you think you can manage to slip it around my neck and you want to try to come to my ranch and see if your the entire staff combined, if you think that you can manage to execute me, then come on and give it a try we'll just see how that goes, that that's going to be very interesting I may not even have to reload I don't know how many how many staffers you have but I don't think I'm going to have to reload, if I do have to reload that's okay too I got a lot of spare magazines for you. you are welcome to come try it and after I'm done with you I'll just call the sheriff and he will come over and write up a report and say thank you for defending life and liberty against the insane violent lunatics of the vaccine industry, that's how it would actually go down. so if you're interested in doing that Boston Herald morons go ahead come to taxes let's see what happens, but if you can't make good on your threat then shut the hell up because you are the fascists, you're the dangerous individuals, you're the child murderers and you are openly calling for the murder of people with whom you disagree. you want the government to carry out mass murder because that is the reflection of your entire philosophy, you support abortions of living babies you support vaccine injuries of children, you support the the mass exploitation of black women and black men by the cancer industry which preys upon African Americans, you support the killing probably the execution of President Trump and anyone who supports him.

You Boston Herald editors you are insane, you belong in a psychiatric ward you should be arrested and held for psychiatric observation you should be treated with aggressive chemicals because that's what you deserve, because you are lunatics. so either retract what you're saying or come to Texas and make good on your threat and don't call for somebody else to do the killing for you, come do it yourself and we'll just see how that goes. all right if you want to hear more about issues of science and medicine from an honest philosophically consistent point of view please floow me, now im motivated by this Boston Herald situation, I may even put together a video to teach scientists how to defend themselves with firearms, because I think a lot of scientists don't have the gun skills that I have, and now they're being threatened. the Boston Herald is calling for them to be mass executed and I think they need to learn how to exercise self-defense against these left-wing terrorists, these lunatics in Boston who are now trying to mass murder anyone with whom they disagree. it's an astonishing world that we find ourselves inhabiting at this point and all we can do is try to protect life, protect the lives of children, protect the lives of ourselves and exercise our lawful right to self-defense. to stop those who are attempting to commit violence against us and if we need to use tools of kinetic force that follow the laws of physics then guess what the journalists of the Boston Herald. they won't understand how that works either because they are all scientifically illiterate they won't see what's coming in other words.

Source ~ Boston Herald

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