What are the causes of sore throat and what is good? Herbal solution.

Sore throat is a symptom of an allergic or other disease that afflicts the person in every condition. How does a sore throat swallow, cause me to have difficulty eating something? What are herbal solutions for sore throat? What is good for sore throat?

It is possible to take measures at home for sore throat, one of the problems we face each season. We can treat throat sores that occur as a result of infection with natural herbal teas without using chemicals. What's good for a sore throat? Which herbal teas are good for sore throat? Here is a solution for sore throat ...

Sore throat is usually visited in summer and winter. Cold beverages, air-conditioning in summer and cold weather in winter are the biggest causes of sore throat. Throat ache; pain, itching or irritation. The first symptom is difficulty swallowing. Throat pain treatment is not diminished in spite of all the methods you have tried at home, and it may be helpful to see a doctor if it continues for a long time.

What are the causes of sore throat?

The main causes of sore throat are viruses and bacteria, but are among the causes of sore throat in Laryngitis, Acute laryngotracheitis, Sinusitis, Allergic rhinitis, Reflux, Lung infections and Tumors. Sore throat may be contagious depending on the cause of the infection, especially infections caused by viral infections and bacterial infections called group A beta-hemolytic streptococci are highly contagious.

Viral throat infection indication;

Sinus pain



Dryness in the throat

Deep sound

Bacterial throat infection indication;

Inflammation in the throat





Swelling of lymph glands


Nausea and vomiting

Laryngitis-associated sore throat

Sore throat due to reflux

Sore throat due to lung infections

Sore throat due to smoking

Sore throat due to excessive sound use

Extreme Hot Cold and Spicy Foods

Tumor-associated throat

Sinusitis-related sore throat

How is sore throat treatment treated?

If there is no specific condition that causes sore throat, the medicine can not be used for the virus. Instead, local treatments such as mouthwashes and lozenges can be applied to relieve the throat area. The patient suffering from sore throat should pay attention to their food and drinks. The patient needs to keep the water intake too high. Vitamin rich medicines should be used to support the immune system.

The patient suffering from sore throat should drink plenty of fluids. Smoking, such as dirty air, should be avoided from places that can irritate the throat. It is harmful both from allergies and from directly affecting the disease from the dusty house environment. Your consumed beverage should not be too hot or too cold. To relieve the throat, gargles, pastilles and natural herbal teas that work at home also work. Food that is easy to ingest should be consumed. It is necessary to be careful not to be too dry at night.

Sore throat is the beginning of the mouth. It shows your immune system falling. The flu following the fork in the throat is inevitable. For sore throat, there are also treatment methods you can practice at home before going to the doctor. The first of these comes from natural herbal teas that will strengthen our immune system and destroy throat infections.

What can be done at home for sore throat?

Fluid consumption is very important. Liquids help keep my sputum thin and easy to clean.

You can gargle with salt water. Salt will destroy infections in the throat. Put half a teaspoon salt in a glass of water, gargle, then drain the water. In this way your throat will be cleaned and purified from your sputum.

Choose foods that are easy to swallow.

Take care to consume foods rich in vitamin C. Especially lemon is a great antioxidant.

The "capsicum" substance in the bitter pepper helps to fight pain with inflammation and inflammation. You can gargle in a glass of water adding hot pepper or hot pepper sauce. Your throat will burn, but for a short time this pain will help you heal.

Stay away from dirty weather. Ventilate your room often.

Do not use your throat infections during this period if you are smoking until late.

Chicken juice soup will be at your service during this period.

Avoid talking with a loud voice.

Use honey and lemon. Add honey and lemon into a very hot glass of water with mixing. Honey covers your throat and softens, and lemon helps reduce sputum.

Herbal solutions for sore throat;


It is one of the first herbal teas that come to mind when it comes to cold. Sage softens the throat. If sage is boiled, vinegar is added and gargle is made it is good for gingivitis and some disorders in the mouth. Remove sage phlegm. Helps to sweat by heating the body. To live these benefits we need to consume and slaughter the sage. The effect of the sage mixed with the ball increases even more. You can add a few drops of lemon to your sage to provide vitamin C vitamin support to your body, or you can sweeten it with a natural antiseptic honey.

You should never boil the sage. Only gargle can be boiled when done. Bronchitis, cough, flu, flu, stomach and intestinal problems are extremely useful.

Preparation of;

2 tea spoon sage

1 glass of water

To prepare the tea, add 1 cup of boiling water to 2 teaspoon sage and brew it for 5 minutes. If you boil a lot of tea, the taste may hurt. You can dessert with honey and cinnamon.

Camomile tea

The chamomile tea, which has a sedative effect, also relieves sore throat. This plant, which brings sleep, should not be consumed, especially during work. So you can use it as gargle water all day long, while preparing the chamomile tea while working and putting it in a bottle after cooling.

Preparation of;

2-3 sweet spoon dry chamomile

1 glass of water

Put 2-3 dessert spoons of dried papaya in a water droplet, then add to a glass of boiling water and leave for 3 minutes. Pass through the strainer and you can sweeten it with honey and lemon.

Licorice Tea

Licorice; is one of the oldest plants used in the treatment of sore throat. Licorice is not only wounds inside the mouth to throat infections, stomach ulcers, is an effective herb for allergies and viral infections. You can eat the plant's hot as hot water or use it as gargle water 3-4 times a day after you have left it to cool.

excessive consumption of licorice tea can increase blood pressure and to lower the potassium. For this reason, it is recommended that you use it with caution and use it as gargle water to avoid risk.

Preparation of;

A pinch of root

1.5 cup water

In a half cup of water, you can boil the root for 3-5 minutes and drain it. You can dessert with honey and lemon.

Eucalyptus Tea

Eucalyptus, a very popular plant used to relieve colds and flu symptoms, alleviates bronchitis and sinusitis pain, soothing the throat. You can prepare the plant as tea or after you have eucalyptus sprouts of 2-3 spoons in boiling water, you can open your nose and your sinuses by breathing the vapor. Eucalyptus tea can also be used as gargle water after being cooled.

Preparation of;

5 eucalyptus leaf

2 glasses of water

2 cups of water are boiled and eucalyptus leaves are thrown into the boiling water and eucalyptus is brewed for 5 minutes in this way.

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