The easiest solution to migraine.

Great information was discovered to help migraine sufferers. Looks like there's a natural way to stop migraines in a few minutes.

You need three things

-1 glass of water
-Freshly squeezed half lemon juice
-2 teaspoons pink himalayan salt

Mix the ingredients and for. Wait a few minutes. What you need to be aware of when choosing materials

Salt must be good quality. Pink Himalayan sea salt is a good choice because there are 80 different trace minerals in it (including magnesium). Salting is known to increase the level of serotonin rapidly. This helps to relieve pain and swelling.

Migraine Symptoms

Head throbbing
Head rotation
Sensitivity to light, water and odor
2-72 hours of pain

What triggers migraines

Migraine triggers may vary from person to person. A trigger in the same person triggers a different cause while another triggers a different cause of migraine

Stress can be a cause. Migraine can start as a stress-induced headache and turn into a full migraine until the blink of an eye. Alcohol consumption causes migraine in some people. Vitamin and mineral deficiencies are also among the causes of migraine. The most common cause is dehydration and electrolyte loss. If you are sure to feel sluggish and feel sensitive to migraine, you may be causing a big headache in your body.


Even if you drink a lot of water, you can stay thirsty. This is because the electrolyte level in your body is low and your body has to drain too much to balance the electrolyte level. This is called homeostasis.

It has also been suggested that migraines cause thirst. If this is true, there is a vicious cycle. Thirst is causing migraines and the body is dehydrated, which in the end is more of a migraine headache. While your body is trying to maintain proper electrolyte water balance, it can take days before you migraine.


Electrolytes are the names given to the positively charged minerals in your body. These electrolytes are responsible for the most important processes of the body. These include the functioning of the nervous system, the cardiovascular system and the regulation of muscle functions.

Magnesium is another important mineral in all of these. Magnesium is a natural edema inhibitor. Migraine is thought to be an edema reaction. This explains why a good quality salt should be used in the Magic Elixir to stop your headache. The magnesium in the salt will help fight against the turbulence in your head.

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