Health isn't everything but without it everything is nothing

Health isn't everything but without it everything is nothing.jpeg

Health isn't everything but without it everything is nothing. A truer statement has never been written. I know, I've been ill for over four years now.

I guess I have never really been well. I was born sick. I was sick from an early age. My earliest memories are standing in the kitchen sink and my mother squeezing green puss out of my heels so I guess I was born sickly and have rarely been really well. It's no wonder I look the way I do.

Before the age of thirteen, I had had several operations for this and that including being rushed into hospital on Christmas day 1980 for a ruptured appendix which I had put down to a tight pair of trousers gotten as a Xmas pressie but turned out I was hours from death.

My father (pretending to be my Uncle, but that's another story) came with me to the hospital in a taxi he had somehow managed to hail out on the main road (we lived on a council estate).

Back in 1980, we had no telephone, none of our neighbours had the telephone, mobiles had not been invented and getting a taxi on a snow swept Dublin suburbian road was a miracle in its self but miracles do happen.

I remember I was rushed in for surgery, nurses rushing about, several hands shoved up my anus for tests to see how bad I was and if my Pendix had burst yet.

I was prepped for surgery and was brought into the operating theatre. I was lying on the operating table and I heard them saying that the surgeon was upstairs watching the Sound of Music and did not wish to be disturbed, not sure how long I was lying there as I was knocked out very soon after, eventually he came down and saved my life.

Then in 2012 I got really sick, ended up in hospital in Thailand and again in Phillippines and from then until April 2017 I have had illness after Illness, infection after infection but finally, I turned to alternative medicine and I have managed to change my life and have cured myself. and am now very healthy.

Doctors do not really have a clue, they treat the illness NOT the cause of the illness and that was my problem, doctor after doctor treated each illness and never tried to get to the cause.

A friend suggested I try alternatives so I did. I found a doctor offering alternative medicine and she carried out tests on my stool which revealed I had a few problems in my gut a few months on and I am now 100% healthy.

In most cases if not every case, nature has a cure, pills are rarely the answer.

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