How Your Mind Can Affect Your Body and Health


The body and the mind are two different entities which work together and in isolation to carry out all activities involved in our daily living.  We are beginning to realize that there is an intimate relationship that exists between our mind and our body because the mind controls our moods and the things we think about.  The human mind is dynamic, and these changes are referred to as 'Moods.'

Our moods change all the time; sometimes we could be happy, sad, hopeful, optimistic, pessimistic, angry, stressed out, afraid or simply content, etc.  These different feelings have been found to affect the health of our body in different ways.  Studies have found that positive and bright moods such as hopefulness, contentment, happiness, and optimism can help reduce the severity of cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and diabetes.  On the other hand, it has also been found that dark moods like anger and depression can worsen disease conditions, especially cardiovascular diseases.  Fear is associated with a rush of adrenaline so when we are faced with scary situations, our body releases a high concentration of adrenaline, which causes the 'fight and flight' reaction.  This connection between the emotions of the mind and release of hormones is the basis of body-mind medicine.  

Let’s relate this to simpler situations; can you remember the last time you attended an important job interview or the time you wrote a professional exam which you did not prepare well for?  You probably must have been gripped by anxiety!  In such situations, you will feel your muscles become very tense, you will sweat unusually, your heartbeat will begin to race, and you may even start feeling nauseous at some point.  These reactions occur because the feelings of the mind have started affecting the body. 


Health Effects On A Stressed Mind 

Excessive thinking triggers stress, and when this becomes habitual, it can lead to different types of illnesses.  Constant stress can suppress our immune system and cause panic, which if not well managed, can pose serious health risks. Commutative stress and panic stimulate the sympathetic nervous system, causing rapid heartbeat, high blood pressure, and tensed muscles which will lead to a diversion of blood flow from the four groups of muscles to the minor ones; thus leading to muscle weakness.  Furthermore, cortisol and adrenaline released during stress and severe panic affects the digestive system and causes one to experience stomach aches and irritable bowel syndrome.  

Related studies have also shown that chronic stress causes hormonal imbalance.  It depletes the concentration of serotonin and endorphins in the brain, which are brain chemicals that trigger happiness. It also decreases the telomeres located at the end of DNA strands, thereby decreasing the rate of DNA replication in the body.  

Depression and Health 

Depression and negative emotion suppresses the immune system and makes the body susceptible to infection, cold and other diseases. Depression is accompanied by lifestyle changes which cause adverse health conditions such as substance abuse.  Research has also found that chronic depression can lead to infertility, mental problems, and rapid aging.  


A Relaxed Mind Will Improve your Health

In contrast to the effects of these negative thoughts, positive thoughts can improve our health tremendously. According to recent studies in the field of mindfulness, meditation and a positive imagination can cause muscle relaxation which triggers the activation of the parasympathetic nervous system.  The parasympathetic nervous system releases hormones which induce feelings of relaxation and calmness; stabilized blood pressure, reduced cortisol levels and normalized heart rate. 

Having known these facts, it is important that we manage our thoughts and emotions very carefully because our bodies work in sync with our minds.

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