Will Transhumanism Improve Health in The Near Future



Most people do not know about the word ‘’Transhumanism’’.  The word probably sounds strange like terminology from a Sci-Fi movie.  Sometime in the future Transhumanism will become a popular word which will be used in everyday conversation.  

Transhumanism is a movement that plans to change the human condition by constructing great technologies that will improve human psychology and intellect.  “Cyborg” is a common word used to refer to transhumans. It is a name given to an automated machine made with human tissue and synthetic hardware.  The transhumanist movement and philosophy is already transforming the world.  One of the most recognized transhumans is Neil Harbisson, who has an antenna fixed to his skull which transmits electrical signals and picks up information several miles away from his environment. Even at his TED talk he said  "I listen to color’’.  Scientists are gaining more knowledge about DNA and the makeup of genetics with the ability to manipulate genes which is great technological advancement in the recent years.

Already, through nanobots and CRSPI genome sequencing, scientists can now alter the composition of the human body. Doctors have used CRISPR-Cas9 to tweak the human genetic sequence and give the body the power to combat bladder, prostate, and mesothelioma cancers.  These developments have been successful so far, and this technology has also been used to produce tuberculosis resistant cows.    


Gene doping and its manipulation

Gene doping is the use of gene therapy in order to enhance performance, it has been used many times to boost athletes’ performance in sporting events.  It involves the use of transferring the gene to increase or decrease protein biosynthesis and gene expression of a particular human protein.  Gene doping can be done either by collecting cells from the person, injecting the gene carrier into the individual, transfecting cells and administering it back to the individual.  The purpose of gene therapy is to heal and prevent injury.  Gene therapy is used to enhance the performance of athletes in sports.  As a result, these specific genes that may improve athletic potentials are being identified.  

Some new substances, for example, antibodies fighting against myostatin blockers are used in gene doping in athletes. Use of these substances might produce an increase in body weight and also improve the strength of muscles. However, it has been proven that uncontrolled manipulation of these genetic ingredients may cause health risks.  As a result, these athletes are being banned from performing.  Currently, anti-doping research is being done in many laboratories in order to construct new ways for gene doping use in sports.  The World Anti-Doping Agency and various sports organizations are ensuring great protection of athletes from serious health damage in gene doping.                                     

Gene doping has been used since the 1920s in the form of erythropoietin, steroids, amphetamines and modafinil though it has been banned by world anti-doping agency (WADA) and the International Olympic Committee. With the development of gene therapy in medicine and completion of the Human Genome project, there has been a superb progress of research on gene doping and its technology in order to improve the performance of athletes in sports.   

Experts estimate in the future we will be able to use these technologies to alter the genetic makeup of a child before it is born.  There are big chances that the genomes carrying congenital diseases in children will be removed even before they are born. We will also be able to 'build' the brain of our children before they are born.  Also, brain chips are used to help paralyzed people coordinate their nervous system and become capable of moving their weakened body parts. The blossoming of transhumanism will alter the world of health, work, and people’s personality.  It will give humans the ability to cure terminal and hereditary diseases by taking off the gene responsible for ailments.

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