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5 Emotions You Need To Use As Fuel To Be A Relentless Lifter & Winner In Life | MUAST WATCH.

Life starts where the church ends. It's full of setbacks and pit falls. Results take time to show and if you aren't willing to put in the hustle, you won't make it. You'll be beat down on your knees and forced to not look up. What you do in situations like these decide your course of future. If you are going through such a situation remember why you lift. Remember what keeps you under the bar when the weight's trying to crush you. If life's taking you down, take life to the gym and remember these 5 things to come up strong and resilient.

  1. Remember All The People Who Told You That You Wouldn't Grow. Remember The Discouragement.
    Just like bosses who can't see you grow will discourage you at every endeavor you try to make, alike will be some gym bros. They will cut your way more than often. They will try to belittle you at every step. It will hurt but so does lifting heavy. The choice is yours. Either step down and fall back in your comfort zone or take the beating and ready yourself to slap them right back in the face with your hard work and success.
  2. Remember The People Who Love You And Have Your Back. Remember The Love.
    Love over hate. While haters will always be large in numbers, the people who love you should still prevail in your life. Whenever subjected to hate, remember the faces of people who have had your back, no matter what. A lot will try to take you down but only a few while levitate you. Count the evens and ignore the odds.
  3. Remember The Efforts You Have Made To Come As Far As You Have Come. Remember The Struggle.
    Road to success demands a lot of 'proving yourself'. So does progressing in the weights room. But make sure you prove things to yourself, not to others. Your hard work has brought you wherever you are. Don't start comparing yourself with others. Peer pressure is a silent killer. Even if defeats come and try to make you quit, just remember how hard you have worked to be where you are.
  4. Remember The Passion You Have For Your Goal. Remember The Hunger.
    Everything in life gets down to how hungry you are to achieve your goals. If you were hungry while imagining it, stay hungry while trying to achieve it and stay hungry while in the process. Just like The Rock says it- stay hungry and be the hardest worker in the room.
  5. Remember That Withdrawal Is Not The Solution. Remember To Survive.
    While sometimes all you feel like is pulling out of the situation but more than often that's not the solution. Everything seems to cave in and negativity surrounds but sun is only seen by the people who survive the cold night. Gains are made by guys who bear the pain and make progress. Quitting is never a solution. Surviving is.

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