Let's talk about #4: What to do when you are sick

happy sunday everyone... 

so far it hasn't been a great weekend for me. i've been sick for the last four days. the weather here in austria is quite unstable at the moment. last week i had a lot of work and switching to standard time didn't help as well. i don't get sick very often, only once in like three years. the fact that my husband got sick earlier this week didn't really help the situation i'm in. when you're sick you just try everything to get well as soon as possible. so here some tips for a fast recovery: 

1. relax 

it is so important for your body to relax. your body is weak, try to calm your soul to gather strength. just try to keep it quiet and calm. for example: take a bath, read a book, wear comfy clothes while chilling on the couch, try to sleep, listen to some music, etc.

2. drink a lot of water (and tea)

if you start feeling sick try this method: drink a cup of water every 10 minutes for seven times in a row. our body, however, requires a minimum amount of water each day to function normally and clear toxins. water controls fever, prevents and controls nausea and vomiting. one of the symptoms of dehydration is thickening of your secretions, which works against you when you're trying to recover from a head cold or respiratory illness.

3. onions and garlic 

in fact, the world health organization has even recognized the onion for its ability to help relieve flu symptoms including coughs, congestion, respiratory infections and bronchitis. onions are high in sulfuric compounds that also play a role in cancer and heart disease prevention, and therefore act as a great immune-boosting food for  general disease prevention. besides onion, garlic is known for its act as a natural antibiotic. so try to eat a lot of onions and garlic during your sickness. i know the smell is very unpleasant, but you'll recover a lot faster.

4. avoid dairy products

we tend to feel disgusted by the whole idea of mucus, but it does play an important role in our physiology. mucus membranes protect tissues from irritation or damage in many parts of the body, including the windpipe, the lungs, the oesophagus and the stomach. so we do need it, but of course no one wants too much of it, especially if they are already producing extra as a result of their cold. dairy products are know for increasing your mucus production. so try to eat more fruits and vegetables (vitamins) and stay away from dairy as long as possible. 

5. fresh air and sunshine

sunlight also has natural disinfecting properties. the journal of hospital infection explains that the majority of microbes that cause airborne infections cannot tolerate sunlight. how can you take advantage of this? you might want to go outdoors, where you can spend a moderate amount of time in the sunshine and breathe some fresh air. it will likely do you good. and don't forget to change the air in your rooms too.

i hope i could give some advice and for those who are sick too: get well soon!

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