Smile power

There is no end to research on laughter. For the past 25 years this work has been under the jossore. Professor Duch Keltner of the Department of Psychology at the University of California, said, "Smile is the center of our evolution and one of the strongest arms of human behavior." He is researching the importance of facial expression and expression with laughter. The laughing baby knows exactly, a spontaneous smile helps to create a kinship. Because of laughter, social bonding is firm. Through this, positive brain chemicals are released.

Suraiya Khanam, a member of the rural joint family, noticed that her eight-month-old daughter, Rodeela parents, did not even see the other members of her family, but she tried to stretch her mouth and said, "Yes" and "hahi". These are nothing but nothing but the power of new laughs. To smile from others who are familiar with what he is using. Someone else's creative thoughts have lost the pace even after being seen in the face of a dull face.

Child development experts say positive interactions between children and adults, 'interactive dance'. If you give a smile to the smile, it is understandable that his brain development is going well. The exchange of laughter between mother and child is usually in rhythm and synchronous motion. It is very important for the child's affection and intellectual development. And this was said to be specializing in child development, Professor Ulrich Müller of the Department of Psychology at the University of Victoria, Vancouver, Vancouver. Through research, she has shown that if the mother or father gives the child's laughing response to an expressionless face, then he gets upset. It is understood, how important is their real smile to those who take care of them. According to him, the children of depressed mothers smile less than the children of the unskilled mother and less than the signs of happiness.

In 1872, Charles Darwin proposed in his book The Expression of Emotion in Man and Animals, the expression of facial expression is biological and universal for humans. This is helpful in evolution. Creating kinship and ties and enhancing the likelihood of the survival of human species by developing help and cooperation. Celebrity anthropologist Margaret Mid wrote that laughter is cultural behavior. It is different in the society.

Different laughs have different meanings The meaning of laughter is not the same in all countries. That's what Margaret Mid But he was not convinced by San Francisco's psychologist Paul Ekman. To end the debate, the world came out with a large number of different expressions of human face, in the 1960s. He used to show them the people of different countries. In this he is absolutely sure that the meaning of each laughing can be different in the country. This is totally wrong. He has shown that in the remote jungle of Papua New Guinea, people laugh at the same happiness; Varies not at the point.

Ekmayon and his teammate Wallace Freijen spent eight years in explaining the motility and transcription of the face, so researchers can do research. They systematically classified 43 different muscular dynamics and 3 thousand meaningful coordinates. The procedure called the name of the facultative action coding system, in brief FACM This FACM facial expression gave a radical change in the study. Based on this, 18 types of smiles are identified. Which includes shame, embarrassment, ridicule and smile of love. But the most appealing to the researchers is the spontaneous smile and fake smile. The first is also known as Duchenne Laughter. The French neurologist Dusane first described this laughter in the nineteenth century. During these laughs the two sets of muscles work. Researchers named the fake hijacked 'Bimono' smile. Its use is for courtesy. Dusun smiles real laugh

In 1958 and 1960, 114 students posed for the yearbook of the University of California. Duch Keltner of Duchy was brought to the study by the goal The rest of the three people were laughing in the film. Keltner and his colleague Leanne Harker first classify the smiles of 111 people. Of these 61 people smiled cheating; The rest of the players are Dushen Hasee. For the next 30 years, they have been followed and examined to see that women who have duplicate laughs of the picture are happier in the life of women than the fake smile. Their score is comparatively better even in physical and masculine fitness tests.

Keltonner Erk has shown that those who laugh spontaneously and genuinely smile can easily get saddened by stressful events such as the death of a husband or wife. If the husband or wife laughs at each other's love, then the oxytocin spreads in the blood. This caring hormone is related to relationships and reproduction. Keltner also said that some people are born with the mood of being relatively happy. These people get more success in life. Of course, learning a real laugh can succeed in life. According to him, the connection smile is unique. That is why teachers smile in the class is very important.

Smiling friends are not only helpful in making friends, but also good feelings. Paul Ackman and the University of Wisconsin, David Richardson, through brain scan, showed Dussen Haseen active part of the brain related to joy and happiness. They came to the conclusion, but if Dusane could artificially make the muscles artificially, then the activity of Mastij would be similar. Laughter is very important for happiness and social contact. For anyone who lost a smile is a big disaster. Half of Ross Meyen's face was paralyzed in British Columbia's Victoria This was due to Bell's pulse disorder. He could have become half-dead like he was able to laugh half of his face.

Plastic surgeon Dr Ralph Mancalto of the Toronto General Hospital can not laugh and can not help. He was shouting, 'I am sorry to know how much laughter is, because of the contact with the patients. They think, I'm angry, sad, depressed, or depressed. I can not understand what I do, but try hard. Smiling is a strong part of the ability to negotiate. If you do not have a lot of laughter then you do not have much. Many conversations have become difficult when talking.

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