Hawking's Remarkable Life and the British Medical Care System


Hawking's death has caused a global outcry, with people nostalgic and admiring his scientific contributions. But few people thought, how could Hawking's sickly body survive such a long life? Why did he live so long? What makes Hawking so remarkable?

The first reason for Hawking's longevity is that he has a great woman behind him. When people remember Hawking's scientific achievements, he should not forget his first wife, Jane. Jane decided to give up her excellent studies and take care of him after she was diagnosed with the disease for two years. Jane makes Hawking feel the meaning of existence and the enjoyment of a happy family life. Hawking has a new love, and after leaving her, Jane is still concerned about taking care of him, even after his second divorce.

Hawking's long life is also because he has a strong inner world and an optimistic outlook on life. 'Without fun and humor, the world is a tragedy,' he says. The man who can't move in his whole body has not only created great scientific achievements, but also has a rich and colorful life.

But what really made Hawking remarkable was the British medical care system. Britain's free medical treatment gives him access to all sorts of treatments, allowing his family to cope with a huge illness and avoid poverty. It also made Jane not need to worry about getting married to him because she was in trouble. Hawking did not have to go to great lengths to raise a huge amount for surgery, and he could concentrate on scientific research.

Britain in 1946 promulgated the National Health Service Act, and established a free medical care system, citizens do not need to pay cost, also do not need to buy health insurance, a doctor prescription fee for 8.6 pounds a year, you can enjoy comprehensive health services, regardless of a serious illness, ailment or incurable diseases. Britain is small government model of market economy, but in the field of medical and health care of leveled management service system is established, in three levels: national, local and regulatory security set up a large number of institutions. At the national level, the Ministry of Health, national health service strategic leadership of the organizing committee, the Public Health Bureau full-time public health, Health and Welfare Committee to strengthen all kinds of service collaboration, the National Institutes of Health of Excellence to provide advice and quality standards, health and social care information center management information, Health Supervision Committee is committed to expand citizen participation, training, education, and medical service workers.

At the local level, Clinical Coordinating Committee for Local Service as a whole, the local governments to take full responsibility for public health and social care services, is committed to support local citizens to participate in the Local Health Supervision Committee, clinical research team to provide advice and quality standards, the local training, education front line workers.

In addition, the UK has set up a large number of monitoring and protection agencies to form a set of umbrella health service promotion organizations to ensure the well-being of the people. Nursing quality supervision and quality of service of the organizing committee, the administration of trust and authority special regulation of hospital service provider's management, such as finance and competition, such as Administration of Human Tissue, Fertilisation and Embryology Authority, Blood and Transplant Center, such as professional regulatory authority has also changed. Hawking, who is highly praised for Britain's health care system, lamented in his article that he "received the best medical care in Britain".

Not only did Hawking get meticulous care, he was also well cared for. The world knows Britain's free medical care, but it does not know that Britain has a perfect social care system. If there is any British family life cannot provide for oneself the elderly or the sick, all can apply to the government Social Care Committee for social care, committee assessed by the audit, think that is the case, personal and spouse property below a certain level (now is 23,250 pounds), is really necessary social care, will formulate the nursing plan, assigned to nursing staff to provide nursing care for the elderly or patients, such as bathing, roll over, wash his clothes, and feeding, fees shall be borne by the government. They can also be cared for by their families, and the government will provide a nursing fee for caregivers. In the early days of Hawking and Jane's marriage, Jane took care of Hawking's life, and if their property was lower than the social care threshold at that time, the government had to pay a nursing fee to Jane. Free medical care and social care system, make Jane can concentrate on taking care of Hawking and children's life, make this family didn't caught in a dilemma of poverty, hunger, Hawking to concentrating on research and writing.

The British in 1948 through the National Assistance Act, initially established a system of social care, health services and nursing service integration in 1990 for a unified law of the National Health Service and Community Care act. In view of the declining quality of social nursing service, the social nursing service was integrated into a unified law in 2014, and the Special Social Care Act was enacted. In order to improve nursing quality and improve the social status of nursing staff, the Nursing Personnel Act was enacted and amended in 2000 and 2004. The care of disabled people and children and children has caused many social problems in many aging countrirs, e.g. Japan and China. The social care system in the UK is worthy of the reference.

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