Do you have nomophobia? Check it

The term nomophobia means "no-mobile-phone phobia" or, what is the same, the dependence on the mobile phone taken to the extreme. It is the name by which the fear of being without a mobile has been defined. It may seem like a simple addiction, but it is also possible that there is a serious psychological problem behind it.

Phobias are a manifestation of our internal conflicts expressed through some kind of fear or anguish. With the development of technologies, new phobias have emerged that are directly related to the innovation of electronic devices.

The daily and continuous use of Internet, social networks, tablets or smartphones means that our health is affected.


Symptoms of nomophobia:

  1. You feel insecure when you do not have the phone with you;
  2. All the time you send and check the SMS;
  3. It seems to you that your smartphone is vibrating, although it is not like that;
  4. Instead of listening to your interlocutor, you deal with Facebook or Twitter (and you have no idea what you are talking about);
  5. You are able to return home to carry the phone that you have forgotten;
    You can not concentrate on studies or work.

Nomophobia: how to fight it?

If being aware of what happens in the world through your phone is as natural as breathing, you can be addicted to technology. If you want to fight with it, the 7 tips of Dr. Dale Archer published in "Psychology Today" can help you a lot.

  1. Never send messages driving the car. Do not endanger others, or yourself, just to be able to answer an SMS. If you really need to send it, do it before starting, or after parking.

  2. Do not enter the bathroom with the phone in your hand. Think of the bacteria that accumulate on the screen!

  3. Are you standing in line or waiting for something? Save the cell phone Nobody needs to know about your private affairs.

  4. Do not leave the phone in the bedroom. Soon you will see how it will improve the quality of your sleep and rest.

  5. If you go out with someone, try to propose that neither of you take your mobile to the meeting. Can not you do without them? Use them at the same time and for a couple of minutes. 6. Even when you go to bed, do you still use your smartphone? Before sleeping, close social networks and turn it off completely. 7. If you are in the company of friends, let everyone turn off their cell phones. The virtual world is not going to end in a matter of a couple of hours, and you can enjoy the time spent together much better.

If putting these indications in march does not fill you with panic and you feel that it would not suppose any type of problem for your internal balance, congratulations. However, otherwise you may suffer from nomophobia and, for your own good, you should try to fight with it. Making use of these tips (at first for a few moments, gradually prolonging the time) you will be able to realize the nature of your problem and eradicate it successfully.

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