Don’t Trust The Person Who Has Broken Faith Once ~ William Shakespeare

Can The Vaccinology Industry Police Its Self?

What is vaccinology? It is the science behind vaccines. The National Foundation for Infectious Diseases offers coursework twice a year in this area of study. Experts in the field of vaccinology teach the latest developments in the field of vaccines, and their target audience is medical professionals.

Vaccinology is the science of vaccine development. The National Foundation for Infectious Diseases (NFID) offers a “clinical vaccinology” course twice a year.

Vaccine Industry cannot stand any criticism. The response to Hilleman and Eddy and their findings of SV40 caused cancer is a case study regarding this undeniable fact in today’s pro-con vaccine debate.

Those who are into vaccine news know of Dr. Andrew Wakefield and his paper criticizing the vaccine industry published in 1998. The media surrounded Dr. Wakefield like flies on fresh shit. Dr. Wakefield's case study focuses focused on the MMR vaccine and autism. Children experienced reactions to the MMR vaccine and regressed in physical and cognitive development and were labeled autistic, which is a psychological condition rather than a brain injury.

My previous articles about the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program was supposed to compensate families for vaccine injuries. The NVICP described the injuries using the MMR table encephalopathies. The information is acknowledged. However, Mr. Wakefield has continued to censor from his peers, and his career is in ruins.

Because of the attacks by the pharmaceutical industry, a clear message has been sent to all professionals, “ Your Career and character will be ruined if you speak out about vaccine injuries.” The fear of having one's character trashed and career ruined has left a climate of fear and suppresses any debate regarding the safety of vaccines.

The National Foundation for Infectious Diseases professional-education/conferences research and development division recieves 75 percent of their funding from pharmaceutical companies. The board of directors includes public health professionals, industry, government, and academia.

Back in June of 2001, the House of Representatives Oversight and Government Reform Committee issued a report on Conflict Of Interest in Vaccine Policy Making:

“In August 1999, the Committee on Government Reform initiated an investigation into Federal vaccine policy. Over the last six months, this investigation has focused on possible conflicts of interest on the part of Federal policy-makers. Committee staff has conducted an extensive review of financial disclosure forms and related documents and interviewed key officials from the Department of Health and Human Services, including the Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The advisory board committee members are required to document any financial conflicts of interest. The board members are supposed to recuse themselves from any discussion making processes. The committee's investigation found that conflict of interest rules deployed by FDA and the CDC were ineffective and enforcement non-existent. The committee members that have worked for or hold interests in the pharmaceutical industry have been given waivers to participate in committee proceedings.

The Chairman of the CDC advisory committee owned over 600 shares in Merck a pharmaceutical company stock, which has a vaccine division. Members of the CDC advisory committee have been caught filling out incomplete financial disclosure statements. The members received no censor, and they were not required to provide missing information by the CDC ethics officials.

Half of the CDC advisory committee members who voted to approve the guidelines for the rotavirus vaccine June of 1998 had financial ties to the pharmaceutical companies developing versions of the vaccine.

The FDA advisory committee, 3 out of 5 members who voted to approve rotavirus vaccine December of 1997 had financial ties to the pharmaceutical companies developing different versions of this vaccine.

You can find all the dirty details in the report in sections 4 and 5, regarding conflict of interests in the institutions that are supposed to protect the public but are protecting the pharmaceutical industry.

Scandalous CDC director RESIGNS after caught buying shares of vaccine maker Merck while heading the CDC

The Rotavirus vaccine was approved for use by the FDA on August 31, 1998; the Rotavirus vaccine was taken off the market 13 months later after severe adverse reactions to the vaccine.

After that significant fumble by the FDA and CDC, one year after Rotashield rotavirse was removed from the market after licensing by the FDA as safe and effective. There were more than 100 cases of severe, life-threatening bowel obstruction, intussusception, were reported in children who had been given the vaccine.I've read many reports claiming vaccines do not harm our digestive track! Why should I believe anything from the medical or pharmaceutical companies or from the government, which we pay to protect us?

Distribution of the Rotashield began on October 1st, 1998, by January 1, 199 there were no cases of intussusception registered on the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS). In May 1999 there were ten cases of bowel obstruction called intussusception reported on VAERS. Data was gathered from Northern California Kaiser active surveillance system and from statewide data case-control in Minnesota in early June that supported a relationship between the Rotashield vaccine and bowel obstruction. Dr. Koplan and the CDC met June 1, 1999, and the decision was made to discontinue the use of the vaccine until further analysis. MMWR on July 16, 1999. The First Rotavirus Vaccine and the Politics of Acceptable Risk

By October 15, 1999, 113 cases of intussusception had been reported. Nine of the reported cases were found not to be intussusception. Of the 102 instances of remaining bowel obstruction, 57 subjects had received vaccines and 29 required surgery. Seven of these cases had bowel resection, and one five-month-old infant died after developing intussusception five days after receiving the vaccine. A case study found that the risk of intussusception increased by 60% among the children who took the Rotashield vaccine.

What freaks me out when I read this data, during the clinical trials and licensing process, there was an increased incidence of intussusception in vaccinated infants; this was known and brought up at VRBPAC meeting and references were made about intussusception in the ACIP recommendation. The committee determined that the propertied rate of 1 in 2010 was not statistically significant. The CDC fact sheet on Rotavirus Q&A hasn’t been updated since July 16, 1999, and hasn’t provided a link to an updated fact sheet..

During clinical trails five children out of 10,054 children suffered intussusception, that would be 1 in 2010 children. The manufacturer’s package insert, the adverse event was ruled statistically insignificant at 0.05%/ Intussusception hadn’t been associated with natural rotavirus infection. If your child developed intussusception after vaccination this would be significant to you and your family.

The Rotashield rotavirus vaccine was removed from the US market October 1999. However, Merck and several other vaccine manufacturers continue to make the vaccine.

Profits continue to roll in on vaccines for the pharmaceutical industry. Those who garner power and influence from the gains made from vaccines continue to increase their profits and power through investments in vaccinology.

Knowing that one can destroy their career when reporting or questioning vaccine safety, I wonder how Bernice Eddy would be received today if she presented her findings when meeting with those who hold and weld the power in vaccinology called the Vaccine Dinner Club, or VDC, which is an organization sponsored by Emory University. Many called Emory the CDC University, CDC is just down the road from Emory. The two have a cozy and profitable relationship.

From their website, the VDC claims they have Hot Food, and Cool Science.

VDC offers to facilitate networking and collaboration among researchers, clinicians, policymakers, historians, and journalists who are interested in vaccination. The VDC has members from the federal and state government agencies, the pharmaceutical industry and many news media reporters from print and the internet. The VDC funding is from the Robert Woods Johnson and Gates Foundations.

The Vaccine Dinner Clubs song:

Andemic Blues
(A Catchy Little Tune)

Watch for mutations in the ducks and geese,
That H5N1 will bring you to your knees.
Ain’t no place that you can hide,
This outbreak’s goin' worldwide.

Ow, ow-ow-ow
Mm hmm

Pandemic blues ... Across the land,
Pandemic blues ... Better wash your hands!
Pandemic blues ... Is your diet bland?
Pandemic blues ... Are your ERs manned?

Ow, ow-ow-ow
Mm hmm

The best laid plans, so the story goes,
Ain’t gonna stop no runny nose.
Minimize impact, stockpile vaccine,
Ain’t seen nothing like it since 1918.

Ow, ow-ow-ow
Mm hmm

Pandemic blues ... Quarantine.
Pandemic blues ... Do your ring vaccine.
Pandemic blues ... Are you coughin’ green?
Pandemic blues ... You better keep it clean.

Ow, ow-ow-ow
Mm hmm

If you want a plan here’s what you gotta do,
Set up surveillance and you watch the flu.
If a case slips through your ring vaccine,
Slide ‘em on into Quarantine!

[Dramatic Spoons Solo]

Even with the best of preparation,
Gotta watch for sub-par, 'ticipation.
Wedding scheduled for some Aegan Isles?
Quarantine vs. frequent flyer miles!

Ow, ow-ow-ow
Mm hmm

Pandemic blues ... Flexibility...
Pandemic blues ... Watch your infectivity
Pandemic blues ... Needs adaptability
Pandemic blues ... Watch your Civil Liberties.

Ow, ow-ow-ow
Mm hmm

Gauze masked reaper’s gonna take a toll,
Makin’ your lungs shake, rattle, and roll.
You say you’re ready, oh, you may scoff,
But watch the heads turn when they hear the first cough.

Ow, ow-ow-ow
Mm hmm

Pandemic blues ... Watch your surveillance,
Pandemic blues ... You gotta take no chance!
Pandemic blues ... Man your ambulance,
Pandemic blues ... No room for ignorance!

Ow, ow-ow-ow [cough, cough]
Ow, ow-ow-ow [cough, cough]
Ow, ow-ow-ow
Mm hmm

The site is somewhat nonchalant regarding who supports vaccinology. Those who are supposed to protect the public and those who make a profit selling vaccines are in the same camp and work together promoting our nation's vaccine agenda.

We have no protection regarding the poor manufacturing of vaccines or harmful vaccines because of this blurring of the lines between watchdogs and manufactures and distribution of vaccines. When did this start? In 1976 the CDC sent out an alarm about a possible swine flu epidemic after a soldier died at Fort Dix testing positive for the virus. There was a flu pandemic after World War I which killed thousands of people worldwide. A possible flu pandemic has been on CDC radar, which is understandable.

What is odd is Congress acted swiftly. Usually, they can’t get anything done and passed the Swine Flu Act. The SFA would evolve into the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program when the federal government agreed to compensate for flu vaccine injuries. There is one little difference regarding filing for flu vaccine injuries in civil court.

As we all know the swine flu epidemic never occurred and, neither did the bird flu pandemic, but those who took the flu vaccines developed Guillain-barre syndrome that resulted in thirty deaths and the government paid out an estimated $90 million in damages.

Back in 1979, when 60 Minutes did accurate reports, Mike Wallace revealed in an interview with CDC director Dr. Daved Senser that the wrong strain of flu antigen was manufactured. Can you imagine a journalist reporting on this data today in our corporate media? The vaccine produced was not based on the strain of influenza reportedly found in the soldier who died at Fort Dix. Their people died from having taken the wrong vaccine. If there was a pandemic someday how can we trust we will be receiving vaccines that protect us and won’t kill us?

The Vaccinology industry has no liability for their products. The NVICP protects the vaccine industry from regular civil liability. Vaccine injuries are not on the Vaccine Dinner Club menu, and today no one hears about vaccine injuries or mistakes reported on by Mike Wallace back in 1979.

Canada’s Financial Post by Journalist Lawrence Solomon, Dr. Gregory Poland of the Mayo Clinic’s Vaccine Research Group, made inflammatory comments that the Vaccine Dinners club would be considered heresy.

"The old paradigm isn’t working anymore,” Poland told Solomon. The article stated that some vaccines are losing their “effectiveness and that the delivery—a “one-size-fits-all” model—is outdated. Poland is promoting a new idea called “vaccinomics,” in which vaccines will be tailored to an individual’s genetic makeup. This theory is based on the work that the Mayo Clinic group is doing on “adversomics,” which seeks to understand and analyze adverse vaccine reactions. Poland states that adverse vaccine reactions may hinge upon a person’s genetic makeup.”

A small percentage of children who get the vaccine-induced fever after MMR (Measles, mumps, and rubella) will develop febrile seizures. He wants to see predictive tests and preventive therapies that could be administered with the vaccine to prevent these reactions. “Current science doesn’t allow for an informed understanding of an individual's genetically determined risk for an adverse event due to a vaccine.”

You can imagine Poland’s ideas provoked hostility within the vaccinology ecosystem. You are not supposed to mention that some people do have adverse reactions to vaccines! Some publications have the balls to publish Poland’s work as significant and innovative. Dr. Poland states peoplehave a right to all the vaccines information so they can make informed choices. The key to this is “informed choices, we have the right to know and choose what we put in our bodies. Right now vaccines are mandated in most parts of the United States. I have read over and over again people never see vaccine information sheets that state adverse reactions from their doctors or from those who administer vaccines. I don’t know if this is true, but I’ve read that many doctors don’t know about the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System and from what I’ve read only 10 percent of all vaccine injuries are reported.

Essential questions need to answers, what data is the Mayo Clinic’s Vaccine Research Group working with and is the data kept by the pharmaceutical industry and the federal government? Why hasn’t the information been made public so we can make informed choices regarding the products we buy? If one does have a severe reaction to a vaccine product how is the public going to know they are reacting to a vaccine? Given the fear-laden atmosphere in the world of science and particularly the world of vaccinology those who have the courage of Dr. Bernice Eddy have become rare or even extinct. Again I ask can vaccinology be expected to police itself, can it be trusted?

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