Constipation - The Mother of All Diseases

Untreated, this dangerous disease can result in serious medical consequences, such as fecal impaction. This, in turn, can and does lead to everything from ageing before your time to cancer. However, it can easily be treated with effective nutrients.


The food eaten these days is often polluted with pesticides, insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, antibiotics, hormones, genetically modified strands, and it is most often grown in polluted soil.

Constipation is a condition in which a person has fewer than three bowel movements a week or has bowel movements with stools that are hard, dry, and small, making them painful or difficult to pass. If there is not at least one bowel movement per day it is classified as constipation! People may feel bloated or have pain in their abdomen or in the area between the chest and hips. Constipation predisposes the body to all major colorectal disorders starting with enlarged hemorrhoids and ending up with colorectal cancer.

The reasons aren't difficult to understand as the colon was designed by nature to hold a few pounds of feces in transit. When a person gets constipated, the colon may be holding 10, 20 or more lbs. The weight by itself is not the problem, but the volume of large, heavy stools enlarge and stretch out the colon, irritate the colon mucous, harm the anal canal, and will produce toxins related to fermentation and rotting, leading to leaky-gut-syndrome, the ‘mother-of-all-diseases’.

Constipation affects genitourinary health, particularly for women, because the large intestine and the female reproductive organs reside in close proximity. These problems ruin the gamut from undue pressure on the uterus to rectal prolapse inside the vagina, from fecal incontinence to miscarriage from straining, and numerous other, equally nasty problems. And yet, it can easily be treated with extremely effective and natural plant-based nutrients. Unfortunately all ages are affected by this nightmarish disease.

Constipation affects quality of life, causes stress, and diminishes an overall sense of well-being. These things tend to self-perpetuate, and profoundly affect the cardiovascular, endocrine, and immune systems. Constipation is one of the most common GI problems in the Japan, affecting a 15 percent of the population. People of any age, race, or gender can get constipated.

Those reporting constipation most often are women, adults ages 65 and older, non-Caucasians, and people in lower socioeconomic classes. Constipation is also a common problem during pregnancy, following childbirth or surgery, or after taking medications to relieve pain from things such as a broken bone, tooth extraction, or back pain. The incidence of gastric cancer varies throughout the world. It is four times more common in Japan than other countries and occurs at a younger age.

A number of siddha studies have highlighted the rapid growth of gastrointestinal diseases in Asian populations during the past two decades. Both incidence and prevalence rates have shown a notable rise, with scientists pointing out that GI diseases are increasingly the cause of morbidity and mortality in Asian countries.

According to the most recent data from Worldwide Cancer Registry, the gastric cancer crude incidence rate per 100 000 men in 2008 was 29.0 (617 cases), making it the fifth most common cancer; for women the rate was 17.0 per 100 000 (390 cases), making it the eighth most common cancer. With such high rates of stomach cancer, researchers have begun investigating the various environmental and genetic factors that may explain such concerning statistics.

Among the top risk factors for GI diseases, siddha researchers listed smoking, urbanization, diet and genetics. Smoking rates remain persistently high throughout Asia and, as developing countries struggle with record-setting levels of pollution, the incidence of respiratory diseases is expected to rise, too.

Siddha researchers also concluded that the increased consumption of refined sugar, fat, fast food, fatty acids and oils also led to a higher chance of developing a GI disease.

Constipation can also be caused by overuse of over-the-counter laxatives. A laxative is medication that loosens stool and increases bowel movements. Although people may feel relief when they use laxatives, they usually must increase the dose over time because the body grows reliant on laxatives to have a bowel movement. Overuse of laxatives can decrease the colon’s natural ability to contract and make constipation worse. Continued overuse of laxatives can damage nerves, muscles, and tissues in the large intestine.

This insufferable state of affairs can be easily solved using safe, healthy, natural and easy Asucre Siddha herbal formulation.

You Can Benefit Today From the GI Problem with the Astonishing Power of Colon Cleansing!


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Searching for a more advanced, deep-cleansing colon cleanses experience? The Asucre Colon Cleanse Kit contains everything you need to complete the full 6-day cleanse and have enough Asucre Colon LehYam - A Natural Colon Cleanser remaining for periodic maintenance!

The Colon Cleanse is designed to clean your small intestine, large intestine, and colon of toxins and impacted fecal matter. First, Asucre Colon LehYam releases monatomic oxygen directly into your digestive tract to flush and neutralize toxins. Then, Asucre Colon Tablets repopulates your gut with beneficial probiotics to support healthy digestion.


  1. Supports Healthy Digestion! - A clean colon can properly absorb water, vitamins and nutrients while allowing waste to pass easily through your system.

  2. Boosts Energy and Well Being! - A body full of toxins is like having pockets full of rocks -- it weighs you down, prevents you from being at your best, and affects everything. Cleansing can give you more energy and make you feel better.

  3. Gives Your Brain A Boost! - Anxiety, lack of focus or memory problems? Many people report that colon cleansing makes a huge difference in their mental wellness.

  4. Rejuvenates Your Skin! - Your skin is your largest organ and can "clog up" with toxins like any other organ. If you want healthy glowing skin, eliminate toxins the right way with The Colon Cleanse.

  5. Helps to Stop Health Problems Before They Start! - Chronic and degenerative health problems are linked to toxin accumulation. When you cleanse your body and minimize your toxin intake, you're supporting your body's natural defenses.


  • The colon is exposed to the total combined waste from your body's other systems.
  • Toxins absorbed by the colon may lead to diseases and disorders.
  • 70% of your immune system is in your gut.
  • Every foot of colon can store five to ten pounds of feces.
  • Herbal laxatives can be harmful to your colon.
  • Your bloodstream is only as clean as your colon.
  • Every neurotransmitter found in the brain is also found in the digestive system.
  • Ingestion to elimination should take 18 hours, but most people have bowel movements only every 36 hours!


  • The Colon Cleanse kit gently and effectively cleanses your intestinal tract of toxins.
  • Cleanses with safe and gentle oxygen, NOT harmful herbs or laxatives.
  • 100% Natural and safe with no side effects!
  • Won't interrupt your daily schedule.
  • Cleanses the entire digestive tract while you sleep!
  • Maintains intestinal harmony by promoting friendly probiotic growth!

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Asucre Colon Cleanse Kit will help cleanse your small intestine, large intestine, and colon of toxins and impacted fecal matter — in just 6 days! The power of oxygen will flush and neutralize toxins in your digestive tract and make way to restore your gut’s colonies of beneficial probiotics to support healthy digestion, boost your well-being, and strengthen your body’s natural defenses!



Legal Disclaimer: The product description has not been evaluated by the food & drug administration (FDA). The product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases. Please consult your physician or health care provider before taking any home remedies.

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