QiQi Climbing New Obsticles Every Day! To SteemFinity and Beyond!

QiQi is very skilled at whatever she does. The real question is what is she interested in!

Lately she is super into climbing as her Steemits Got Talent Winning Entry shows!

Now she climbs almost everything in sight!

Whats best is that as usual she was not taught how to climb, but naturally learned by being free and responsible. 

She is already conscious an responsible enough to know what she can and cant do. What she is ready and not ready for and at what speed to take it!

Learning is natural as was highlighted very clearly in this last post where QiQi makes a high level raw pasta!

She can do whatever she wants and while very confident is accurate in her assessments of reality. A PERFECT balance!

Here she is climbing up one or our hand built out of salvaged material structures. She has not climbed it before as she has only recently gotten so into climbing. She asked if she could do it and I said I think you most likely easily can. She said "do you promise" I said "no, but I think you easily can and will be able to feel if you can or not"

It took her about 1 minute to climb up and it was pretty easy with almost no risk whatsoever. She was thrilled. 

I am sure she will be climbing new things every day as she gets stronger and smarter while having fun!

Now that's the way life is meant to be lived!

I created this account in trust, to share QiQi-Power and to    give  QiQi   a way to be be responsible for supporting her own dreams   and   desires.   She fully comprehends and is excited to work for and   create   things   for her self she wants.  She wants an Ipad to create   art with, make  videos, and research her interests. She is already   learning sign   language as well as new songs  every day.  I will be   posting her chosen  content and perspective as well as  represent for   her here, having sole  control of the account and all  activity on it. I   have done this because of the laws of children having social media    accounts and access. This is set up in trust for her future and thus    must survive to be of any worth.  She has decided to power up all SP  to  make Steemit better and  to invest in her future trust.  All liquid   Steem will be put twords her  Ipad or the dolls that she wants. She  will  trade that Steem to a   Steemian in exchange for  the  ipad when  she  saves enough.  She is already working on more art pieces,  as she  says  "I love making Steemit  posts." This account is intended to give  QiQi a  creative outlet and  opportunity to make her own way and achieve  her  dreams.      

Until Next Time SteemON!

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