Healthy Body 101

Those of you following my posts, thank you. I have set it as my mission to help people reach optimum health in mind, body and spirit. The information is to help establish a greater understanding of these three areas and their interactions with each other. By doing so, you take control of your health, as well as your success in life’s endeavors. This is not a light hearted topic however, and I must address this in small pieces at a time, otherwise this post would be hundreds of pages long. I don’t want to lose people’s interest, as the information within, if used properly will be the best thing you ever did.

About me : I am a healthcare professional involved in natural healing. I have studied many of the diseases that afflict us and their causes, so as to gain a better understanding of how to cure them. Modern medicine generally speaking seeks to alleviate symptoms at best, while simultaneously causing side effects ( other symptoms ). Often times it becomes a trade off as to what is worse.....the symptom relief, or the newly acquired symptoms.
In 2009, I developed Myelo-Dysplastic Syndrome ( Pre Leukemia ) my white cell count plummeted, and I was developing a host of infections and related health problems. I was also losing a lot of weight and getting very weak after a year of this, including getting Sepsis, which almost killed me. It was at this point where my personal journey began. It was a long battle, but I was free from this condition by 2011 mid year, with some residual health consequences into even 2013. I can however say today, that I am in the best shape and health of my life now, better than when I was 25 years younger.

I would like to start with some common logic regarding health of the body in this post. I do this to start out simple, plus an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. There are complex interactions between the mind and the body, and the spirit which will be discussed separately in subsequent posts. It helps for the listener to understand a basic function of various organs of the body, and when appropriate this will be addressed. I call the common sense first approach to health as eating only things found in nature. If you think about this, it makes sense, since as humans we were not created in a laboratory, therefore why would we eat foods that have a whole paragraph of things created in a laboratory. Our bodies recognize everything that is foreign to it ( not found in nature ) and have to deal with this garbage. The liver, kidneys, and other digestive organs, as well as your immune system is kicked into high gear, putting you in survival mode, not a healthy state to be in. As this perpetuates day after day, week after week, year after year.....your organs lose their ability to do a good job at that task as well as the other tasks they need to do. This is why you hear of liver, kidney, and colon detox programs. We are not Frankenstein, yet we eat Franenfood so to speak. So I generally stay away from chemicals added to food, which could be a coloring, preservative, artificial sweetener, etc etc etc. Basically your food should only be food, not chemicals......common sense right. Many people just don’t care, and I have even heard Medical Doctors say......well that’s why we have a liver, and we can filter this stuff out, and still enjoy good health. Well filters get clogged, duh then don’t work as well.
Then you have to think about how food can contain harmful things in it even when they are not listed as ingredients. Remember the saying you are what you eat. This too is common sense, if the nutrients you need are not com8ng to you in food, do you expect them to just somehow magically form ? What I am taking about here are meats that are raised for food. Unless they say Grass fed/free Range, no antibiotics or hormones given, then you are getting poisoned by hormones and antibiotics that you don’t need and throw your whole body out of balance. I will discuss each of these ingredients in separate posts, but this is a mere overview of what to eat, and what to avoid. Plus animals should eat what they were meant to eat, if not they too are a byproduct of what they ate. Then when you eat meat, so too are you effected. Then there’s GMO foods ( Genetically Modified Organisms ) now we are trying to play GOD, but yet we can’t make a human in a laboratory, so these foods are very foreign to the body and cause tremendous stress on the body.

If a food came from nature, it’s safe to eat.....If it was made with chemicals added or a meat was raised that way, it’s going to harm the body in some way. So my challenge to you, is to start with this. It won’t be easy at first, and I have heard all the classic reasons why people can’t or won’t do this. But my question back to them is, do you want to be healthy or does it not matter. Many people just simply don’t care, until they don’t feel good, or can’t do the things they used to. Many just say it’s part of the aging process. I say not can be perfectly healthy and active past 100 years old even up to 120 with no health ailments at all, then just pass away calmly without suffering in your sleep instead of deteriorating, and suffering. The age thing is a lie. Yes, we wear out.....but do you also want to suffer ?

Stay tuned to future posts, where I will talk in great detail on specific topics, but first let’s start with the common sense approach to bodily health.

  • Dr. Paul Porceddu-
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