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People ask what causes Stroke?
In the Human body, among many things that keep us alive is the blood flow. The blood doesn't just exist in the body like an ocean but, it's been circulated rounding the body through what we called "Blood Vessels". So, if you can cut the body without cutting any of the vessels, you won't see blood but, it's not possible because, there are so many of them including the tiny ones. You can liken these blood vessels to pipes that convey water round the town from the reservoir. In this case, the human heart acts as the reservoir that pump the blood round the body (The town) through the blood vessels (The pipes).

If at any point in time, the pipe that conveys water to my house from the reservoir get bursted along the way, it means I won't get water until it's repaired. Another reason why I won't get water despite other people in the same town with me getting water is, if the pipe that conveys water to my house get blocked by dirt or something happened that narrow the lumen of the pipe along the way. In this case, the water getting to my house may be reduced due to these circumstances until it's rectified.

In likewise manner, aside the blood that keep us alive which is been circulated through the vessels (The pipes) when the heart (The reservoir) pump it, the brain control all our activities including the movement of your fingers. There are so many "Switches" in the brain controlling different part of the body. There are blood vessels too that supply blood to these switches. Without the blood to the "switches" in the brain, it can't function properly.

Whatever happens to the "switches" in the brain is reflected within seconds in the entire body or part of the body it controls. If the vessels that supplies blood to one of the "switches" get bursted in the brain, it means that part of the brain won't get blood. It can also happens that, one of the vessel that takes blood to the brain become narrow just like the scenario of the town water supply I gave above. In that case, blood to that aspect of the brain is reduced.

What causes the vessels to burst? 😳

πŸ“ŒWhen the blood Pressure is high without control: It means the blood flowing through the vessels is flowing at a higher pressure and the tiny vessels (Pipes) can burst. The Human brain is divided into two equal halve. The right side of the brain control the left part of our body while the left part control the right side of the body. If this vessel accident happens at the right side of the brain, it means your left side of the body suffer the consequences;
_Loss of control of urination
We called this type of stroke where the vessel is bursted as "Haemorrhagic Stroke"

πŸ“Œ Another type of the stroke is the one where the blood vessels become block or narrow so that, the blood flows to the brain become reduced than usual - Ischemic stroke. In this case, the consequences as above ensue as well. There is however a different between when the vessel bursted or when the blood vessels are narrowed; in the bursted vessels, the patient can vomit, experience sudden collapse and loss consciousness. In most cases, they don't survive. And if they survive, the patient recover fully without any sign he even suffer stroke. But, in the second type, it's usually gradual and the survival rate is higher. But, they usually survive with disabilities; paralysis or weaknesses of the affected side of the body.

More sign of Stroke?
πŸ“ŒSlur speech (Difficulty in speech)
πŸ“Œ Confusion
πŸ“Œ Blurred vision
πŸ“Œ Sudden Death

#Enjoy the rest of your days.
Β© This is an extract from a health professional "DS Omeiza"


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