100$ fine for masturbate

A Texas MP from the United States of America, proposed to make a law with the provision of a $ 100 fine for men every time for masturbation.
March last year, Bill proposed the District House of Representatives District's District 148 elected Democrat Party State Representative Jessica Ferar. His party Democratic Party is no longer in power. As a result, he knew that he would not get too much water if he received the bill. But still he raises the bill to scare male lawmakers.
Farera has proposed to law enforcement to punish men for masturbation in their bill, in the argument that due to masturbation of men, the purity of life has also been curtailed. One of the sperms that emerge with semen due to masturbation, may have been born as a child. So, as an abortion of women, an unborn child is also killed by men's masturbation.

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