How do you sleep at night? Do you sleep well or do you toss and turn all night long?
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How about mornings? Do you wake up easily or is it a challenge for you?
Good sleep is an important aspect of life that can even change its quality. Healthy sleep is just as crucial as healthy eating and doing sports. Moreover, bad sleep can affect your brain function, your background or your work perfomance, increase the risk of getting diseases and even gaining weight. Thanks to our modern pace of life, sleep quality and quantity have drastically decreased due to many people getting poor sleep.
If you are one of them, then i can help you with a magical formula that can help you harmonize your sleep as well as make your morning wake ups easier. I hope it will finally help you get the rest that you need and i'll also reveal the best sleeping position to help you in all this.

Have you ever heard about the early to rise blog? Its written by a fitness trainer CRAIG BALLANTYNE. tHE BLOG IS ABOUT HEALTHY EATING AND SOUND SLLEP. He has developed what is called the 10-3-2-1-0 formula which anyone could use to get a full night sleep and full of energy the next day. He believes that the ideal night sleep begins during the day, that is, you need to get ready for it sometime before you turn off the light.
This is his idea...
10 HOURS BEFORE SLEEP: This is how much time you need to cleanse your blood of the stimulants that can interfere in y our sleep. That means from this time, no coffee, green tea, cocacola, chocolate and dont forget to add nicotine to this list because it takes hours for it to wear off elements that can easily disturb your night sleep.

3 HOURS BEFORE SLEEP: Don’t eat anything or consume any alcohol at this time. Your body uses up a colossal amount of energy getting rid of all the bad stuff in alcohol and digesting a late meal. Although alcohol can make you feel drowsy at night, it can be a reason for a disturbed sleep into the night. The result is you wake up feeling as though you spent the night sleeping down a coal mine.

2 HOURS BEFORE SLEEP: From this point, don’t work and don’t think about work. Leave it for tomorrow. If there’s any thought disturbing you, write them down and set aside. That is a good tip to stress management practices.
Meditation techniques can help to relax the mind and body as well. There are other different strategies like listening to a relaxing music, reading a book, or even getting a relaxing massage. Check them all out and choose the one that works best for you.

1 HOUR BEFORE SLEEP: from this point on, no staring at the computer, TV or phones. However your Facebook, twitter or emails are calling you, don't do it. Let your eyes and your mind rest. A good resting environment might be a good solution. Make your rroom cool, dark and quiet as any light in the room can cause some trouble in falling asleep. Using blackout curtains and earplugs might help you reach that goal. you can add more relaxing elements to your room if you need them. For example, a fan, an air conditioner can be a good advantage.

Do you dislike the sound of your alarm? DO you set it 10mins late every morning? Do not do that. Turn off your alarm clock and get out of bed immediately. This will help you not to drop back into 10 more minutes of sleep and help you kick straight into the day. Also, try to wake up approximately the same time everyday including the weekends. After several weeks of doing this, you probably won't need an alarm.


Our sleeping posture can have an impact on our health and how we feel.
Sleep on your back if you want to look better and younger. This position causes fewer fine lines and wrinkles on your face bcos there is no pressure on your face. And for women, this position allows the breast to be supported to prevent sagging.

If you know any other helpful sleeping methods, please drop in the comments.

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