Anti-NMDA Receptors Encephalitis - When the body attacks itself

I recently read about cases where the body produces antibodies which begins to attack itself and I got interested in this.


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Anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis, also known as NMDA receptor antibody encephalitis, is a serious brain swelling that poses great danger to the sufferer but has a high probability for recovery with treatment.


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NMDA receptor also known as N- methyl- D- Aspartate is a glutamate receptor found in nerve cells for controlling memory functions and the strength of the signal passing synapse in the central nervous system. Their functions include perception of reality, human interaction, the formation and retrieval of memory, and the control of unconscious activities such as breathing, swallowing etc.

In lay man's terms the NMDA receptor helps the proper functioning of the brain, memory and central nervous system. You can imagine what happens when something goes wrong with that.


Excitotoxicity is a situation that occurs when NMDA receptors in the body is over activated. This leads to degenerative diseases affecting the brain. Excitotoxic events involving NMDA receptors have been linked to Alzheimer's disease and Huntington's disease as well as strokes and epilepsy.


As explained above, anti- NMDA receptor encephalitis is an abnormal swelling or inflammation in the brain that occurs when antibodies trying to suppress over activation of NMDA receptors or tumors in the brain begin to attack the body itself.

Under normal circumstances, the body prevents production of antibodies against its own but in the case of anti NMDA receptors encephalitis, the antibodies produced by the brain attacks the brain cells itself, the reason for the production of this type of antibodies is yet unknown.

You will agree with me that this is a rather strange disease and occurrence. When the body attacks itself. The condition is associated with tumors, the antibodies are said to be looking to fight against a suspected tumor in the brain, in the process they fight against the brain itself. The disease is neither hereditary nor contagious, although diseases involving antibodies fighting their host are known to be genetic.

According to a Californian study, the disease affects the younger generation more, those below the age of 30 . It is also said to be more common in females of Asian or African origin.


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People suffering from this disease may experience headaches, flu-like illness, or symptoms similar to an upper respiratory infection. These symptoms may be present for weeks or months prior to disease onset.

The disease progresses at varying rates, symptoms vary slightly between children and adults.

However, behavior changes are a common first symptom within both groups. These changes often include agitation, paranoia, psychosis, and violent behaviors. Other common first manifestations include seizures and bizarre movements, mostly of the lips and mouth, but also including pedaling motions with the legs or hand movements resembling playing a piano.

Some other symptoms typical during the disease onset include impaired cognition, memory deficits, insomnia and speech problems.

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The symptoms usually appear psychiatric in nature, which may confuse or make diagnosis difficult at first. In many cases, this leads to the illness going undiagnosed. As the disease progresses, the symptoms become medically urgent during this acute phase, most patients require treatment in an intensive care unit to stabilize breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure.

Over the years, some group of induviduals have mistaken anti-NMDA receotirs encephalitis for demonic oppressions. Victims showubg symptoms of this diseases have been termed aw being oppressed by demons. What should have been treated medically is then treate otherwise.


The recovery process from anti-NMDA encephalitis is not immediate. It is gradual and can take many months. The symptoms reappear in reverse order: The patient may begin to experience psychosis again, leading many people to falsely believe the patient is not recovering. As the recovery process continues on, the psychosis fades.

Patients diagnosed with anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis need to be admitted to hospital where they can be monitored .

Occasionally, the use of more powerful drugs are required to eliminate antibodies. Other medications may also be required, including those used to control blood pressure, stop seizures, ease anxiety, improve sleep, and to treat hallucinations or abnormal behaviours.Medications may need to be continued after the patient has begun to recover.

The good news about this disease as strange as it is , is that most victims survive it and can live normal lives again.


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