Multi billion pound cosmetic industry needs a slap in the face!

"At first glance, the beauty industry could be thought to cater only to the glamorous, or perhaps the vain, or maybe just those in the spotlight. And it does - along with everyone else!"

"The industry is built on the product and services that help us look our best - whatever that best may be."

The first statement could be true but the later, I profusely disagree! The whole industry prey's on women's vulnerability and insecurities to sell them their products.b4bd37d5-3b67-49ed-824c-4ba4fe340738.jpg

There are so many women around the globe that buy beauty products that are absolutely filled with cancer causing chemicals, these women have the right to know what there putting onto and into there bodies.cancer-causing-cosmetics.jpg
without trying to scaremonger I would just like to bring it to attention to all women, to try and look out for the nasty chemicals and try to look for a more organic based cosmetic. Below are just some of the nastier one's to watch out for.Chemicals-in-beauty-products-1014x487.jpg

The more informed we are, about the products we buy not just in the beauty industry but every major industry, the more people understand, the more we can shape and influence to benefit our needs and not the needs of the corporations, to constantly maximize their profits at the expense of our health.

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