Natural Ayurvedic Home Remedies for Backache

Present lifestyle living conditions has created various disturbances in the biological system of human beings. Busy, professional and communal life, physical exertion, jerking activities, wrong sitting posture create pressure on the spinal cord which play a vital role in causing low backache. It has become a wide-spread problem despite of advancements in modern science.  In urban areas, 70% of the population is prone to develop disorders of vertebral column like – lumbar spondylosis, Prolapsed Inter-Vertebral Disk (PID), Osteoporosis and other degenerative disorders. The principle line of treatment in modern medicine includes the use of steroids, physiotherapy and prescription of NSAID which have certain side effects on the hepatic system.  

According to Ayurveda, the disease Katishoola correlates with the lumbar spondylosis. ‘Kati’ refers to low back and ‘Shoola’ refers to pain which is caused by Vata dosha imbalance. 

Natural Ayurvedic Home Remedies for Backache


  1.   Abhyanga (Oil Massage) - Oil massage of the low back area is done by using various medicated oils. Oil massage at home can be done with sesame oil. Mixture of medicated ghee can also be preferred as pain is generally caused due to the aggravation of Vata dosha. oil is the best remedy for the vitiated Vata as it alleviates the morbid Vata and provides relief from pain and also strengthens the bones, soft tissues of the back.  
  2. Reduce the intake of pungent spices and dry foods in the diet—Consuming extremely pungent spices in the diet like - red and green chillies and dry foods like – chips, cornflakes can have a very drying effect on the body which further aggravates the Vata dosha and this can lead to constipation.
  3. Clarified ghee (Cow’s ghee) - Consuming cow’s ghee regularly helps in curing lower back pain as clarified butter pacifies Vata dosha.
  4. Avoid Stress - Ayurveda explains how stress, exertion, anxiety, tiredness all increase the Vatadosha and too much accumulation of Vata dosha leads to pain in various parts of the body especially pain in the lower back.
  5. Practice Pranayama - Pranayama (Anulom-Vilom) is the most beneficial breathing exercise for balancing Vata dosha. This Pranayama greatly benefits the lower back pain.
  6. Ajwain (Bishop’s weed seeds) - This Ayurvedic spice is highly beneficial for pain as well as constipation. In females, lower back pain associated with menstruation can be cured by a common kitchen ingredient Ajwain. Boil ajwain seeds in water and drink this tea. It provides instant pain relief. 
  7. Include spices like – garlic, ginger, haritaki (Terminalia chebula) in the diet.
  8. For backache related to constipation, put half tsp. or few drops of castor oil in warm milk and consume during night before going to bed.
  9. Luke warm water bath -Luke warm water bath is quite helpful in relaxing muscles, tendons and ligaments and relieves stiffness.

There are certain tips as the general measures to avoid occasional back pain. These tips are also helpful for those who have mild back pain over a long period of time without any reason. These tips are also useful in strengthening the lower back.

  1. Maintaining the Right Posture - By maintaining the right posture helps in the uniform distribution of body weight throughout the length of the spine which helps in decreasing the extra tension to the lower back.
  2. Exercise - Simple exercise like – lie on the back on the floor and put a pillow under the knees and raise them slightly by taking some of the pressure off the lower back. This exercise will give some relief.
  3. The bed for low back patients should be slightly hard.
  4. Don’t bend over from the back while lifting heavy objects. Don’t twist the body.
  5. Keep the computer/laptop at the eye levels so that you should not bend forward to see the screen.
  6. While sitting at the workplace, sit straight and bring both the palms near to the ear deviate to the left and then deviate to the right. Repeat it slowly whenever possible for as many as times as possible.
  7. While sitting straight, lock your fingers of hands to each other, raise your hands up above the head to the fullest, slowly then make the palms look upwards, then release back to normalcy. Repeat this exercise five times an hour while sitting in the office.   

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