Check Out These 3 Signs Of Sex Addiction

It is difficult to point out the signs and symptoms of sex addiction since there are no set of guidelines on how to deal with the condition. It's hard to differentiate sex addict and someone who just happens to love sexual activities. But, you should keep an eye for these 3 possible signs of sex addiction.

1. Highly irritable without sex

When sex becomes dominant in a person's life, they may possibly feel tormented without it. This could happen when a person develops a habit of using sexual behavior as a form coping mechanism or escapism to deal with depression, loneliness, or stress.

Those who are experiencing this behavior should seek guidance from a psychologist, psychiatrist, or sex therapist. The treatment involves cognitive behavioral therapy to address the underlying cause of the addiction.

"A healthy sexual appetite can be controlled. If sex is unavailable, it is disappointing but not devastating," said psychotherapist Dr. Tina Tessina.

2. Compulsive masturbation

Masturbation is perfectly fine and normal. However, "compulsive" masturbation might signal an underlying problem especially if your daily life is being affected. For instance, when someone constantly ignores their responsibilities just to masturbate in the office bathroom, or when they start to neglect their relationships by ignoring the needs of their partner are considered as compulsive acts. This could be a sign of sex addiction or other mental health issues.

3. Putting oneself in dangerous situations

Engaging in illegal sexual activities (sexual activity involving minors or indecent exposure) just to satisfy sexual urges can be considered an addiction. Sex addicts also spend excessive money on pornography, have several extramarital affairs, or have sex without protection.

"With a sexual addiction, the addict feels desperate to have his or her sexual outlet, no matter the cost," said Dr. Tessina.

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