Fluffy Naps are nice

Recently I wrote about how hard sleep just generally is but in all the things I note about sleep patterns I never mention something rather simple.

Waking up this morning it struck me that; My pillow is a piece of shit. It is about as useful as stuffing a trashbag with crushed leaves.

So I figured aside from major changes in my sleep cycle since that will take time and experimentation. Not to mention with our powercuts I can't always sleep when I want to and need to almost plan around a shifting cycle of electricity.

Finally, I decided to walk my lazy ass to the store and buy a new Pillow. I got home ripped out something that would blend in with dirt then shoved my brand-spanking new pillow into the cover.

I was already optimistic when the pillow stayed puffy and did not sag like my balls when going commando.

I guess it is just an indicator of my general sense of selfcare, having to go buy a new pillow or even spending time considering which one I like seems so benign.

Although I still hold that cleaning things all the time is just stupid, like my dishes aren't going anywhere and I have many so why not wait till they are all used and just do everything at once.


The pillow is obviously a bit different, and my afternoon nap was a lot better I think. If only for not having rolled around too much trying to position a half filled lump of mud to just the right height to not snap my neck.

Aside from a better pillow another thing I will need to figure out is how to not pin my damn shoulder.

Since there is no cure for Alzeimers though this may be easier said than done.

It is like every time I go to bed I forget which position I actually sleep in.

Winter is coming so I tend to start with the reverse mummy position, hugging myself and maybe a little hoping to suffocate.

his basically just turns into me crushing my arms and putting pressure on my shoulders and back since I am bracing myself the whole time.

The other is one arm out and the other in which tends to lay under my side which serves the purpose to crush my hand and the arm that is swung crisscross out I lean into and either it will go numb or my shoulder will get pinned and I will constantly shift to soften the blow.

Anyway, now I have a new fancy pillow like some middle-class mamma's boi so it is a start to surely me becoming a uber-successful person.

Since ya' know the ultra rich get the best sleep.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio: Woman Sleeping

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