I am The Pot Medic


I decided a few weeks ago to go all in on my writing career and peruse my passions.

I have been on the streets as a paramedic for 15-years, and I have seen first hand the suffering in our medical system, and how current pharmaceutical medicine just masks the symptoms, or creates addicts, instead of curing the underlying issues.

I have transported hundreds of hospice patients and held their hands as they lay sick and in
unbearable pain. I can no longer stay silent when humans deny compassion to other humans.

In this silly game we play, we must ask ourselves why we have to get consent of other human beings to have access to something that occurs naturally in our world? Who are they to force us to pay for their products? Who are they to decide, based on their ignorant religious or political beliefs, who should be allowed to access natural medications?


Anxiety, Depression and PTSD, in what I call the Warrior’s Trinity, is running unchecked in our veterans’ community but can be easily treated with natural solutions, like cannabis or psychedelics.

We now have the research to back that up, but huge companies are paying fortunes to keep cannabis at Schedule 1, not only for medical applications, but industrial as well.

Why? When the schedule changes, it opens door for hemp farming.The countless products that can be made from industrial hemp, and replace petrol-based products, could upset petroleum capitalists in the West.


There are an abundance of reasons, we as a society, must usher this in ourselves. The market knows best. The people, the tax-payers knows best. It’s time to bring the old ways down, and allow the intelligent, responsible efforts of compassionate beings to shape our future.

Stay Tuned-

Paulie, The Pot Medic

all photos/Pixabay

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