
Soybeans do have good benefits for health, but also provide side effects for health. Not only for people who are allergic to soy milk, but also for normal people can also receive side effects from this soy beans. So, what are the benefits and side effects of soybeans? Before that, consider first here are some of the nutrients contained in soybeans:
Nutritional content of peanut kernels

  1. Fat
    Soybeans contain fat, but not bad fats, but unsaturated fats like linolenic acid and omega 3 acids. And the special is the presence of omega 3 in this soybean.
  2. Proein
    Soybeans also contain protein. So it is highly recommended for vegetarians. Therefore, this protein will be very important to help build the existing cells in the body. You can make this soy as your daily food.
  3. Fiber
    Fiber also contribute to decorate the soybean content. Fiber is not just on fruits alone, in soybeans also contain fiber that is as much as 8 grams. But unlike the soybeans that have undergone processing.
  4. Calcium
    Based on research that has been done, that soybean is a source of calcium. This calcium content is very good for health. Even the calcium content in soybeans is better than other nuts. But this calcium content can change depending on the processing.
    In soybeans there are also choline compounds that are useful for the metabolism of the body. Even these choline substances can help the metabolism of fat that often tesendat in the liver. This choline will help protect the liver.
    Benefits of soy beans for health
  5. Increase metabolism
    Soy beans are a very high source of protein, so it is suitable for your consumption every day to increase protein intake. If adequate protein intake, the metabolism in your body will be more increased. Proteins themselves are the building blocks of cells and blood vessels.
  6. Fight free radicals
    The content of isoflavone substances in soybeans is an excellent compound for the health of the body. Because, it can help repair damaged cells in the body due to air pollution. For those of you who often move outside the house, soy is very suitable to protect your body from free radicals.
  7. Good for the digestive system
    Because soybeans contain fiber, soybeans are also highly recommended for consumption to launch the digestive system. This fiber content in soybeans will help speed up the disposal of food waste through the digestive tract. You can add soy as your daily food to keep your digestion smooth.
  8. Improve brain quality
    Soy beans also contain lecithin that can provide a good intake for brain performance. Even lecithin content in soybeans is able to prevent alzheimer's disease and phytosterol content in it can increase nerve cells.
  9. Prevent osteoporosis
    To avoid osteoporosis, soybeans are perfect for your daily consumption. The content of vitamins A, B, and C in soybeans is great for your bone growth. In addition, the calcium content in soybeans is also very good for your bone growth. So it can help prevent your bone loss early on.
  10. Reduce the risk of heart disease
    Soybeans are also able to maintain your heart health. Natural content in it can reduce LDL or bad cholesterol, and reduce the possibility of blood clotting. So as to reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. Consume this soy regularly to keep your heart healthy.
  11. Cancer prevention
    The content of antioxidants in soybeans can help reduce the risk of various cancers. So it is suitable for your consumption to avoid cancer. The content of antioxidants in soybeans can also help neutralize free radicals that cause healthy cells to mutate into cancer cells.
  12. Diabetes mellitus
    The content of fiber, vitamin B complex, and amino acid content in the soybean is able to reduce the risk of diabetes. Fiber content in it can also help control blood sugar levels. So it is suitable for consumption of diabetics.
  13. Anti aging
    Soy beans are foods rich in fiber and antioxidants are very good to prevent premature aging. Consume regularly so you avoid premature aging. But remember, should be coupled with a healthy lifestyle.
    Side effects of soy beans for health
    In addition to providing a lot of benefits for health, soybeans also have side effects for health. Raw soybeans contain goitrogens substances that can interfere with the activity of the thyroid gland.

Sometimes soy also contains oxalate, so it is not suitable for those of you who have problems with oxalate, avoid excessive soy consumption, because it can affect the formation of kidney stones.

And also for women who have experienced tumor problems, should limit soy intake to no more than four servings per week. Although there is no accurate study of this, but for women who have estrogen receptors or positive ptery tumors should limit soy intake and avoid a variety of soy supplements.

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