Guide to DIY Toothpaste: A Natural Recipe That is Simple, Cheap & Effective!

More and more people are told that they make or want to make their own home-made toothpaste. Actually very logical, because regular toothpaste can contain some additions that you actually don't want to put in your mouth two or three times a day. Also with natural toothpaste you have to look out because they also can contain additives such as sweeteners and preservatives. Plus, these types of toothpastes are often very expensive. It would be alot cheaper and more effective to make toothpaste yourself. Many of the ingredients will be in your house when you cook 'real food' and are known to be good for your health.

What are important factors for a decent toothpaste?
+Brushing without damaging tooth enamel
+Prevents bacterial growth in the mouth
+No toxic additions

A home-made toothpaste can certainly satisfy this, with the added benefit that the ingredients of the toothpaste does not only clean the teeth but also is safe to swallow. Ideal for children and people with bad health who can not use any extra stress on the body. Below you will find my personal prescription for toothpaste. I will also step a little more into detail explain a little more about the various components and their effects.

Mix well together and store in a glass jar with lid. Due to the coconut oil it becomes quite solid, so keep it at room temperature. If you want to use it, use a spoon or spatula to make a small amount from the jar and on the toothbrush. Then brush as you are used to and rinse well. The taste is a little bit salty, so if you do not like that, you can add stevia or Xylitol, depends what you like the most. Also I'm not a big fan of the glycerine but I will explain this a little further in the article.

Coconut oil:

The coconut oil additions are important because coconut oil has an antibacterial effect and thus helps remove unwanted intruders in your mouth and thus indirectly can help prevent holes and other problems.

Bicarbonate and sea salt:

These act as a mild abrasive. Do not be afraid that bicarbonate would damage the enamel layer around the teeth. A study shows that this is not the case. What is more important with these two raw materials is that they are alkaline and thus counteract an excessive amount of acidity in the mouth (which can help to prevent bacterial growth). ATTENTION!! Do not use this if you have dental prosthesis because it may harm the glue.

Essential oil:

This gives the toothpaste a pleasant taste and can add healthy properties to the home-made toothpaste. In this case, make sure that you use the pure oil and not the air freshener.

Mineral drops:

Adding additional minerals to the toothpaste benefits the health of the mineral-rich teeth.

What else do I do ?

Once a week I brush my teeth with norit tablets. It has a very strong detoxifying effect,I brush my teeth with a soft toothbrush and carbon. Many toxins that grows in the mouth are removed more precisely by using those products. The result is an extremely clean mouth and ofcourse beautiful white teeth.Do not be afraid to try it out yourself. Your teeth will not be black! It seems very scary, but the black rinses off easily and if you shortly brush your teeth with homemade toothpaste, it's all gone.

Changing your food habits!

Of course, your diet also plays a BIG role in the health of your teeth! Because your teeth contain minerals and need to stay strong. A diet rich in minerals from vegetables, broth and everything from the sea is a very good basis for healthy teeth. Provide more than enough vitamin D so that it can be well absorbed. Since I have tightened my diet, my teeth have become much less sensitive, holes are no longer present and even the tartar has drastically changed. As for me, this combination works very well. And I only think it's a very nice idea that children are not exposed to substances such as fluoride, sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) and artificial sweeteners that are extremely unhealthy and unnecessarily. Also, Glycerin does not appear to be ideal in toothpaste. Not that it's poisonous, but because some people notice that it leaves a layer on the teeth, which causes to slow down the absorption of minerals. And of course, that is something we absolutely don't want to achieve here.


Everyone is free to choose the toothpaste that suits him/her the best. I have already brushed my teeth in this way, and as I mentioned before, sensitive teeth and tartar have decreased alot or even disappeared. I personally have enough reasons to continue with this. And also in view of the cost, this method is very attractive and will remain for me! If you have any other tips that would improve my DIY toothpaste, I would appreciate it! Also, what do you prefer to use to guarantee the health of your teeth? Feel free to enlighten me in the comment section!

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