Hello everyone, @padosky is back again with a wonderful article just as promised.
Today we’ll be taking a look at how to save a person from STROKE by using only one needle.
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First i want to start by telling us what stroke is all about. This is a sudden death of brain cells as a result of inadequate supply of oxygen, caused by blockage of blood flow or rupture of an artery to the brain.

a) Sudden loss of speech b) weakness, or paralysis of one side of the body.

A stroke could be available at any time in a person’s life. Here is how to treat a rebel attack without waiting for the 3 or 6 hours fateful when without care we are good for the grave.
The unconventional method of saving human life during a stroke is a method of a Chinese teacher who says that you should always keep a needle in your home.
When someone suffers a stroke, the capillaries of the brain stretch progressively. You need a rest and an ambulance.
Stay calm! No matter where the victim is, do not move them, because if you move a patient, the capillaries will explode and there will be bleeding in the brain! It would be better if you have a syringe at home, but a simple sewing needle an serve too.

  1. Hold the needle- on the fire, or with a candle, sterilize this needle and then use it to prick the tops of all 10 fingers.

  2. No specific acupuncture is necessary, it should only be a few millimeters from the nail.

  3. Perform so that blood can flow.

  4. If blood does not drip, tighten and start squeezing.

  5. When all 10 fingers begin to bleed wait a few minutes- you will see that the victim will be back to life!

  6. If the victim’s mouth is deformed, massage his ears until they become red so that the blood can come to them.
    acup ear.jpg

  7. The prick with the needle in each ear in the soft part, to drop two drops of blood from each ear in the soft part, to drop two drops of blood from each ear. A few minutes later, his mouth would not be distorted. Wait until the victim comes normal without any unusual symptoms, then send him to the hospital.
    This method of blood shedding to save life is a traditional Chinese medicine method and its practical application is 100% effective and by using it people can survive a stroke.

This is all I have for guys today on stroke. Try to apply this and see how effective its going to be. Expect more lovely articles written by me just for your satisfaction.
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Get a needle today and save a soul.
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