

Hay guys, this time I will give you some information about Tomatoes.
Tomatoes are the first plants found in South America, still related to eggplants, potatoes, and red or green peppers. Tomatoes include fruits because of their structure, have flesh and seeds that are safe when swallowed. However, until this modern is still a lot of people who think of tomatoes as a vegetable, perhaps because one of its functions as a vegetable salad.

Tomato fruit is very popular in the world, especially in Indonesia which has long been cultivated for a long time. One thing that is less favorable than tomatoes is its weak resistance, so it is easy to rot. To be durable, the tomatoes must be frozen with several steps beginning with selection, washing, boiling, soaking, peeling, and ending with freezing in the refrigerator.


Tomatoes have a lot of nutrients, nutrients and active compounds that if consumed regularly and with the right level can keep away from some malignant disease and provide optimal health.

Tomato Fruit Contents
Water Energy
Carbohydrate Protein
Sugar Fiber
Calcium Iron
Magnesium Phosphorus
Potassium Sodium
Zinc Vitamin C
Vitamin B1 Vitamin B2
Vitamin B3 Vitamin B-6
Folate Vitamin B-12
Vitamin A Vitamin E
Vitamin D Vitamin K
Saturated Fat Unsaturated Fat
Counting all the nutrients the body needs is in the tomatoes.


With the abundant nutritional content, what are the benefits of tomatoes for our health.

The benefits of tomatoes for health have been believed to help a variety of serious problems to cancer. A number of nutrients in the tomato, is very useful for the health of the body. Among them useful as:

Able to reduce fat content
The benefits of the first tomato is able to reduce fat content. Well for those of you who are currently doing a healthy diet, then please consume tomato juice regularly after completion of exercise.

This tomato does not contain excess fat, even the content of protein, carbohydrates, and calories is high enough. These three ingredients are beneficial for reducing the fat quota in your body.

Establish muscles
In the process of muscle formation, the consumption of nutrients in the form of protein is very important. That is why the reason so far the bodybuilders such as Ade Rai and Agung Hercules looking for high-protein foods.


Improve immunity, the content of lycopene in tomatoes can strengthen immune cells and become natural antioxidants that are needed by the body to prevent free radical attacks.

Helps improve kidney performance. The content of water in tomatoes will launch the filtering of insulin in the kidney.

Keep the intestines from bacteria carried by consumed food as well as launch the body's digestive system so that the body will not experience diarrhea or constipation illness.

Tomatoes can increase the growth of hemoglobin in the blood so it is very good to be consumed by people who have anemia.

Keep the eyes from damage to the retina and able to keep eye sight sharp.
Keeping the body away from abnormal cell growth such as cancer, the lycopene content in the spotlight of experts in searching for this function was able to prevent the growth of pancreatic cancer cells and brain cancer.


Makes the heart work stable
There are about 235 mg of potassium in a medium size tomato. The content is useful for detecting heart rate in pumping blood. Other benefits to be gained are from heart disease and stroke.

Meet the daily vitamin requirement
If you are short of supplements to meet your daily vitamin requirements, just eat tomatoes. Tomatoes will give you 20% of the daily nutritional requirements needed, on a piece of fruit. According to the USDA, all the nutrients in tomatoes are needed by the organs to work properly.

Controlling blood sugar
Sugar in blood should not exceed the gelatin limit does not increase diabetes. You can help control blood sugar by regularly eating tomatoes. Tomatoes are a natural source that requires the body to keep the sugar out.

Treating back pain
Problems associated with pain must be serious enough to be unsustainable. If you suffer from it, consume the tomatoes regularly on the side of proper medication.



Tomatoes can be used as a way to fertilize male and female reproduction because the tomatoes will help spermatogenesis.
Very good for pregnancy, tomatoes will help to perfect the formation of DNA genes in the fetus with the help of Zinc or zinc in tomatoes.
Helps the bone in updating its network system so new bone will grow perfectly. The reason is the abundant vitamin D content in tomatoes.
Can prevent women from breast cancer because tomatoes contain vitamin D which can inhibit the growth of cancer cells by not providing space for cancer cells do procurement.

Strengthens brain memory by helping the transmission of nerve signals so that it is easy to perform activities spontaneously and quickly.

With the many benefits offered by tomatoes, many people who make it as one of the ingredients of herbal medicine.
Hopefully with you reading the article about Tomato Benefits For Health the body will always increase your desire to prefer tomatoes.

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