Cold showers - Why you should take them


Cold showers

in this post i want to discuss the benefits of taking a cold shower and how it benefits your life.

We all have been in a situation were the best thing to do, is something we do not like. In fact we face those situations daily, it may be staying up early, eating healthy or basically any other bad habit we want to fix. What if there was a way, to practice jumping over your shadow?

There is, take cold showers.

The idea of taking a cold shower may seem horrifying at first, but you wont regret it afterwards.
You will feel more aware of everything after and it is generally a really good feeling to have done something you didn't want .
But there is more to it, cold showers are extremely healthy. They improve your immune system, blood circulation, decrease stress levels, relief depression, speed up muscle recovery and even helps you lose weight !

  • When trying to take a cold shower, count to 3 and just turn on the water. Do not think about it, just do it !
  • Cold showers improve your health more than almost any medication would and that for free! Take cold showers !

My experience

i started taking cold showers a month ago and it helped me out so much. I do it as first thing of the day, i jump into the shower, do my routine with warm water and than turn on ice cold water for at least 2 minutes. In the beginning those 2 seemed like an eternity, but now i kinda like the cold water.
The benefits i am feeling are actually pretty intense, i do not feel as cold anymore, i am a lot happier and i was able to break a lot of bad habits, i struggled with in the past.

hope you liked the post

~ Florian

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