Migraines : What ruined my life had now made it better than ever


In August 2014 I was entering what I had thought was one of the best times of my life. I was newly engaged, just landed a great job, was financially stable, and getting hardcore into fitness. My life soon turned upside down when one day I got home from work and I had a headache. This headache was different though. I couldn't see, think or talk. This headache lasted for over 4 months.

For 4 months I spent most of my time in bed or in doctors' offices. I lost my new job and the health care system is where my financial stability went. Luckily the fiance and now husband stuck around. I know it was hard on him too seeing me always in pain when I was just fun and full of life beforehand. In January I was able to see a neurologist and after many tests I was diagnosed with chronic migraines due to "abnormal brain activity." I never found out what the "abnormal brain activity" was and at that point I was so tired of tests I didn't care to find out.

My neurologist I was so blessed to have, I was 21 when I started seeing him and he told me he didn't want me to be on medication my whole life because it would shorten my lifespan. He said many young people are living life too fast and stressing themselves out beyond belief. He gave me medication for a couple years but wanted me to find more natural ways to deal with my migraines.

So I quit my career in banking, spent some time (part-time) in different career fields and now I am a dog walker. Wow what I change! Financing cars to getting puppy kisses. I learned when I am stressed, I don't sleep or take care of myself very well. Then I will end up having migraines. Migraines made me change my lifestyle and SLOW down. But I am much happier being out of the rat race and less focused on money but more focused on the beautiful things around me. It is always free to enjoy nature, spend time with those you care about, and to take a walk. They say live fast, die young but it's not what it is all cracked up to be.

Now I have more moments like this....

Which makes my heart happy and I may have missed out on all of it if I never had migraines. Has anyone else had migraines change their lifestyle?

God can make beauty out of ashes.


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