Pharmaceutical Scams

Pharmaceutical Lobby

In 2009, Lyrica - one of the members of the super-powerful and wealthy Pfizer corporation - was found guilty of counterfeiting drug information, lying and falsifying, and intentionally misleading users and bringing people into danger. The US court has decided that Pfizer and Lyrica have to pay $ 2.3 billion. Pfizer had to pay $ 1.4 billion in compensation for signing a corporate agreement with Lyric, which clearly agreed on lying and cheating people through advertising and marketing and lying to the results of scientific research that claimed their drug Pregabalin (sold under Lyrica) has no serious contraindications and negative side effects and heals what he does not actually treat. Thanks to such fake "scientific" results, the FDA - Food and Drug Administration has approved the sale of this drug in the United States.

Pregabalin is an anticonvulsant used to reduce neuropathic pain and as a supplement to partial paralysis after stroke.Pfizer has additionally hired his scientific paper on Pregabalin produced by Lyrica, which states that it can be used to treat epilepsy, post-herpes neuralgia and diabetic peripheral neuropathy, fibromyalgia, etc. Thanks to all this, Pfizer earned $ 3 billion in 2010.


Side Effects

  • In 10% of patients it causes dizziness and sleepiness.

  • An additional 10% creates; blurred vission, diplopia, increased appetite, euphoria, confusion, changes in libido (changes in sexual desire), irritability, ataxia, reduced focus, mood problems, unnormal coordination, fatigue, erectile dysfunction, dizziness, vomiting and weight gain.

  • Additional 0.1% - 1% of patients appear; depression, lethargy anxiety, hallucinations,thrombosis, excessive sweating, skin irritation and kidney failure!

  • Further more an additional 0.1% patients Pregabalin causes : neutropenia, cardiac arrest, hypotensio, oliguria, suicidal thoughts and behavior.

This drug was approved by the EU in 2007, the FDA approved it a year later. Patented under the label; Pat. 6,197,819 B1, 06.03.2001. years.

Of Course this is only one of numerous examples of big corporations succeeding in making profit over peoples misery. A normal man would think that such a drug should be banned automatically and withdrawn from the market, but that did not happen. Becouse the influence of large pharmaceutical companies and their political lobbyists over any law or court is to big. Let us go further.


Vioxx was once a popular drug to treat arthritis. But manufacturer Merck & Co. pulled it from the market in 2004 amid safety concerns. Research linked the drug to thousands of fatal heart attacks.Following Merck’s voluntary market withdrawal of its second biggest money maker, the arthritis painkiller Vioxx (rofecoxib), Merck was faced with mounting lawsuits involving claims of civil liability as well as charges of potential criminal wrongdoing.


Vioxx, a pain reliever for arthritis patients, was pulled from the market in 2004. The move came after a study linked the drug to an increased risk of serious cardiovascular problems, including heart attacks and strokes. Other serious side effects associated with Vioxx use included allergic reactions, and severe kidney and liver problems.


GlaxoSmithKline set aside $3.4 billion in 2011 to settle lawsuits over its Type 2 diabetes drug Avandia. Patients who took the drug blame the manufacturer for not disclosing that Avandia increased the risk of heart attack and cardiac death.


The Type 2 diabetes drug Avandia is known for being at the center of one of the biggest drug-safety scandals in recent history. Once a blockbuster drug, Avandia was discredited in the U.S. and all but pulled from the market after thousands of people who took the drug experienced heart problems. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) imposed restrictions on Avandia’s use but later removed them. The drug remains on the market today as a medication to help control high blood sugar.

Eli Lilly & Co

In 2009, pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly & Co. was found guilty of illicit marketing for Zyprex's antipsychotics, the same company paid $ 1.42 billion for fake and falsified marketing and information on its patented patented drug. 32 thousand people have sued Eli Lilly & Co because of their deteriorating mental state and physical health after taking Zyprex, although this alleged drug should have treated; schizophrenia or bipolar disorder.


But this is not the only sin Eli Lily & Co made, this company is well known for producing the Prozac. Same company was caught trying to influece on prosecution and judiciary in order to iterrupt the courts process. This meddic coused suicide impulses and thoughts. But this is not all, Eli Lilly & Co. in 2005 paid $ 36 million in court damages for illegal and fraudulent promotion and "Evista" drug sales that allegedly treated osteoporosis. Eli Lilly & Co. also sold this drug even to reduce the risk of developing breast cancer and reducing the risk of developing heart disease although Evista did not have any positive effects on the aforementioned diseases.

We are all born as a complete, empowered beings who do not require injections, medical interventions or medicines to achive perfect healt. Our health is reduced due to various factors. Some of them are deliberately designed to endanger our healt, and some are accidental. We do not coexist with nature anymore, everything is so fucking artifitial and unreal, regardless if we are talking about the weather, food, people, relations etc.. We realy do need to re-connect with nature and live by its laws, otherwise we will destroy ourselves in a way we can't even imagine.

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