Some Facts About Blood & Blood cell


Your blood carries oxygen and nutrients to all of the cells in your body. Blood cells also control bleeding and fight infection.

• Most blood cells are generated in the bone marrow. They are continually manufactured and substituted.

• Your blood is made up of four components: red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets and plasma.

• Blood is about 7% of the weight of the human body.

• These blood cells are floating in a yellow fluid called blood plasma. Blood plasma comprises of 90% water and contains a variety of nutrients, electrolytes, gases, proteins, glucose and hormones.

• Red blood cells grow in the bone marrow and circulate around 120 days in the body.

• Red blood cells carry oxygen around the body. They also contain a protein called hemoglobin. Hemoglobin involves iron that mixes oxygen to give the red color of hemoglobin and the color of blood.

• White blood cells are a significant element of the body’s immune system. They safeguard against certain unwanted materials, such as bacteria, viruses, cancer cells and infectious diseases.

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