Cancer can be killed in 30 days

Today, we have an ever-looming threat that is growing stronger every day - cancer. The environment is only getting more toxic, and generation after generation is only getting weaker. To many people, cancer just sneaks up and takes them completely by surprise. But for others, it's something they fear most of their lives, and then one day, they get the news they've been dreading "You have cancer."


Fearing cancer seems like a pretty rational thing to do, since many of us have dealt with it personally or seen a loved one or friend suffer from it.

But fear can be a very powerful driving force, sometimes for the good, sometimes for the worst. What do I mean by this? Well, often, fear dictates how people deal with their cancer diagnosis.


When the doctor tells you the bad news, you are in a very vulnerable place, and your thinking is not clear. Unfortunately, this is a time when the health care industry can really take advantage of you. All too often, they push people into making quick decisions, sometimes scheduling surgeries days after a diagnosis. They do not offer alternatives to expensive chemo and radiation, either.

But we are more than just a profit source, we're human beings.

A documentary I recently watched, Cancer Can Be Killed, got me thinking about this very topic. In the film, Jeff Witzeman documents his wife's experience dealing with her cancer diagnosis and the incredible hope she found outside of standard cancer therapy.

Cancer Can Be Killed - The Witzemans' Story

After Kerry Witzeman was diagnosed with stage 2-3 bladder cancer she decided to undergo surgery to remove it, under the advice of her doctor. But afterward, the doctor notified the Witzemans they were unable to completely remove the cancerous tissue, saying:

“Your lives are going to change forever. The cancer has spread into the muscle wall and the only course of action is to remove the bladder. We will have to attach a tube to the kidneys that comes out the side of her body and drains into a bag that she will wear for the rest of her life, much like a colostomy bag. The other option would be to create a neo bladder out of intestinal material, but that has more drawbacks.”

But the idea of removing such an important organ didn't sit well for the Witzemans, so they started seriously questioning if there was a better way of handling this. Their light bulb moment was when Kerry told her sister about the news, and she reminded her of her recovery from stage 4 melanoma under the care of a man named Philip Battiade, a healing practitioner (HP). And that's when the healing journey began.

Kerry traveled to Philip Battiade's facility in Frankfurt, Germany to have hyperthermia (focused heat), oxygen therapy, and intravenous infusions.

How the German Cancer Treatment Works


The hyperthermia machine directs high heat onto the area with cancer and helps kill cancer cells because they can't survive in high heat.

Oxygen therapy:

Much like a dialysis treatment, blood is moved out of the body, oxygen is added to it, and then it is re-circulated back into the body. This acts to kill cancer cells because they cannot survive in an oxygenated environment.

Intravenous infusions:

High doses of vitamin C, B vitamins, selenium, DMSO, laetrile, magnesium, calcium, etc are administered through IV to help the body detoxify and build up the immune system.

After one month of these treatments in Germany, Kerry and her husband returned back to the U.S., and an MRI revealed her cancer was gone. But as if that weren't amazing enough, Kerry also felt better than ever! She had been spared the pain and suffering of years of chemo and radiation!

Being Silenced

But the story doesn't end here, not just yet. After witnessing such a transformation in his wife's health, Jeff wanted to share this story with the entire world. He wanted everyone to know there was real hope when faced with the dreaded cancer diagnosis.

So, what did Jeff do? He contacted at least 30 news and media outlets, including the Huffington Post where he used to blog. But Jeff says the response was not what he expected... no one seemed interested in publishing the story. After following the money trail, he realized it simply was not in the media's interest to publish stories like this. Magazines, newspaper, and TV programs are largely funded by paid advertisements from drug companies. They want to keep their ad buyers happy and stay in business.


But it's not just the media who is keeping cancer cures like this one quiet, it's the government. Just as an example, Philip Battiade has a clinic in Beverly Hills, California but he cannot perform the same work he did on Kerry to cure cancer in the U.S. The FDA restricts these naturopathic cancer treatments unless in conjunction with chemo or radiation.

But Jeff didn't give up just yet. Instead, he published the story on Medium. As of today, almost a thousand people have read it there alone, and many people have reached out to him for help.

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Where can you turn to for guidance when faced with cancer?

You can turn to yourself. Listen to your instincts. Take a step back, and seek a better way. Jeff and Kerry's story is living proof that cancer can be killed in 30 days without chemo or radiation.

But we've been taught, if it's too good to be true it probably is. And that's where part of the challenge in combating cancer lies, in challenging our belief system.

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Cancer Can Be Killed, the film

Interested in the topic of vaccines and health? Check out my other posts:

This Ingredient in Your Child’s Vaccines Causes Obesity & May Be Carcinogenic

The Polio Vaccine's Link to Cancer & the Monkey Virus that Contaminated it Found in Human Cancers

The Contagious Cancer Virus – Do You Have it?

The Vaccine Killing Girls and Boys in the Name of Fighting Cancer

Are Childhood Vaccines Making Us Ticking Time Bombs for Alzheimer’s, Cancer, Chronic Fatigue, & Auto Immune Conditions?

Vaccines Could Increase You & Your Child's Alzheimer’s Risk - Let's Raise Awareness

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