How to Manage Dust allergies: Hot season's simple routines to allow you minimize allergies brought by dust and dust mites

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I have been under the weather for the last one week due to my allergies. They seem to always get exacerbated during the hot seasons. That leads to the flu and I am down for almost a week or more. And if I am not careful this keeps repeating till the rain starts. This is however not how I would want to always spend my days. Worried about going out because I will get sick.

Research to rid myself of this worry led me to the discovery of methods to keep the allergies at bay. I however still pack a few anti-allergens just in case.

So how do you manage dust allergies?

A few things to learn about dust mite is that they are living things. They thrive in around 20-23 degrees temperatures and high humidity areas. So simply maintaining a clean and dry house or living quarters with temperatures lower or washing in higher temperatures than favourable for the mites solves the problem. But when we cannot avoid them, we have to find other solutions to avoid or minimise exposure.

Some Few Don'ts

  1. Avoid items that stock up on dust mites even when clean. Substitute blankets for fiber and clothe duvet or wool (natural lanolin in wool repels dust mites) . Pillows included (replace these every few months. Mites can live in them). This should also be cleaned on a regular basis. You will thank me for it.
  2. No carpet (rugs in the house). This is so if you have to clean them or dust them. Have a vacuum cleaner? Maybe effects are minimized but still, you are not safe. Replace wall to wall carpets with wood, or titles in the hotter climate. wash house rugs regularly and in hot water
  3. Avoid paper tissues if you can: I usually avoid them all together. I use handkerchiefs. Some of the tissues are made to keep your nose running. Some have powder in them, so they could be making you sicker.

Some Few Do's

  1. In your bedroom: most of us we spend around 6-8hours in bed. Here we have the highest chances of exposure. So ensure you clean your bedding regularly and in hot water. Higher than the temperature mentioned above so as to kill the mites. Also when you are not using your bendings cover them in airtight plastic (mite-proof)till you get back. This should be done for mattresses, pillows and all the covers. In short everything.
  2. Curtains can be replaced with roll-up window shades. If it cannot be done. Clean them regularly in hot water again. Vaccum sofas, clean floors with water and soap.
  3. Stuffed animals are not your friend. If you must have them clean them in hot water or freeze them then shake them off when you remove them from the freezer.
  4. Get an air conditioner and a dehumidifier.
  5. You can also try vapor and steam cleaning. They greatly reduce the mites population and repopulation.

However, I am more for reducing what needs to be cleaned that way you have less to worry about.

I came across a few home remedies for the allergies that I fell in love with and they became my daily routine.

Yes. I have seen improvements with reduced episodes in combining the above do's and don'ts and the home remedies. Also when I get sick like I have been in the last one week these are my go-to methods.

  1. Green Tea
    Brew tea in a cup and drink to relieve a reaction. A drain tea bag can also be rubbed on the skin where the reaction caused rashes or swelling to reduce them.
    2.Peppermint tea
    Peppermint is a natural anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent, and the essential oil in it is a decongestant that gives you relief from an allergy or cold. This can be made easily by boiling a hand full of dried peppermint leaves and straining the liquid to drink as the tea. We also have peppermint tea bags as shown in the photo below. Boil a cup of water and add the tea bag. Brew for 2-3 minutes and drink.

3.Steam (infused with mint leaves, menthol rub)
Inhale the steam fro this mixture to open up the stuffy nose. See a mixture I made the other day and the rub I infused.

4.Apple Cider Vinegar
I have come to call this the magic potion, you lose weight (boosts metabolism, aids in digestion and control of blood sugar levels) taking this, you cleanse your hair using this, For allergic reactions, it controls the production of mucus and cleanses the lymphatic system, therefore, reducing the reaction.
My mother always preached that honey cured the common cold and allergic attacks and yes it does. It can ease the allergy symptoms. If you take a spoon. Or you can apply it where you get rashes or your skin swells up.
A drink made up of a mixture of Apple cider, Honey, and Mint Green tea on the left. This is my everyday drink, at least twice a day

6.Fresh Fruits and Vegetables:
At times you have had an allergic reaction or you feel itchy. You eat a tomato or an apple and you feel some relief. Some fresh fruits and vegetables have a naturally occurring antihistamine called quercetin. This is what I am running after when I eat vegetables and fruits.

You have been outdoors, take a shower when you get home. This ensures that you get rid of all the pollen and dust you collect from outside. Remember to wash your face. Include the hair if you were outside for longer periods of time.

Thank you for visiting my blog. Join me next time for more. If you have any other suggestions drop them in the comments below.

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