Want to lose your weight?

If you are reading my article, I am sure that you have lost weight at least once in your life. It is quite a nautural phenomenon for a human being. It is not an issue how much weight you lose or gain, be it 2 or 15 pounds.

When a human being takes more calories than he/she is required to take, the weight a human body increases. The reverse is for weight reduction.

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Image Source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/woman-girl-jeans-clothes-53528/

A healthy adult woman between 31-50 years old need at least 1,800 calories everyday, whereas a man needs 2200 for the same age. If they do exercise, it will require around 10% of the total calorie intake. Also, the more heavier a person is , the more calories are required for that person.

In the next part, I will be talking about certain ways by which you can lose weight. The methods I will discuss are often used by celebrities or other famous personalities to reduce their weight. Stay tuned!

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